Sunday, November 25, 2018

GCP vs AWS : IP addresses

Cloud Platform and Amazon VPC handle IP addresses in very similar ways. At launch, all instances have an internal IP. You can optionally request an external IP. By default, an external IP is ephemeral, meaning that it is tied to the life of the instance.

You can also request a permanent IP address—called an Elastic IP in Amazon VPC and a static IP in Cloud Platform—to attach an instance. In both services, a static IP address is yours until you choose to release it, and can be attached to and detached from instances as needed.

Amazon EC2-Classic takes a slightly different approach to IP addresses. When you create an instance in Amazon EC2-Classic, your instance is given an external, ephemeral IP address that is only valid as long as that machine is running. The instance is also given an internal network IP. You can create an Elastic IP and assign it to the instance at any time. This is much the same for Amazon VPC, except it is optional to have an external IP assigned to a new instance.

AWS's terminology for IP types maps to that of Cloud Platform as follows:


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