Saturday, November 24, 2018

GCP vs AWS : Comute Servies

Compute services are typically offered under four service models:

Infrastructure as a service (IaaS), in which users have direct, on-demand access to virtual machines, as well as a suite of related services to automate common tasks.
Platform as a service (PaaS), in which the machine layer is abstracted away completely, and users interact with resources by using high-level services and APIs.
Functions as a service (FaaS), a serverless computing model that allows you to run individual functions in response to a variety of triggers.
Containers as a service (CaaS), an IaaS/PaaS hybrid that abstracts away the machine layer but retains much of the flexibility of the IaaS model.

For IaaS, AWS offers Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), and GCP offers Compute Engine. Google and Amazon take similar approaches to their IaaS services. Both Amazon EC2 and Compute Engine are:

Fundamental components of their cloud environment.
Used to run almost every type of customer workload in their platform.

Virtual machine instances

Compute Engine and Amazon EC2 virtual machine instances share many of the same features. On both services, you can:

Create instances from stored disk images.
Launch and terminate instances on demand.
Manage your instances without restrictions.
Tag your instances.
Install a variety of available operating systems on your instance.

Machine access

Compute Engine and Amazon EC2 approach machine access in slightly different ways. With Amazon EC2, you must include your own SSH key if you want terminal access to the instance. In contrast, on Compute Engine, you can create the key when you need it, even if your instance is already running. If you choose to use Compute Engine's browser-based SSH terminal, which is available in the Google Cloud Platform Console, you can avoid storing keys on your local machine altogether.


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