For making network calls, the below package can be imported
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
Dart apps are single-threaded, but Dart provides support for running code on other threads as well as running asynchronous code that does not block the UI thread using an async/await pattern.
To keep the list of list of members at the class level, below to be done
var members = [];
The underscores at the beginning of the names make the members of the class private.
Below is how to make an asynchronous HTTP call
_loadData() async {
String dataURL = "";
http.response = await.http.get(dataURL);
_members = JSON.decode(response.body);
The async keyword onto _loadData() to tell Dart that it’s asynchronous, and also the await keyword on the http.get() call that is blocking.
When the HTTP call completes, you pass a callback to setState() that runs synchronously on the UI thread. In this case, you are decoding the JSON response and assigning it to the _members list.
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
Dart apps are single-threaded, but Dart provides support for running code on other threads as well as running asynchronous code that does not block the UI thread using an async/await pattern.
To keep the list of list of members at the class level, below to be done
var members = [];
The underscores at the beginning of the names make the members of the class private.
Below is how to make an asynchronous HTTP call
_loadData() async {
String dataURL = "";
http.response = await.http.get(dataURL);
_members = JSON.decode(response.body);
The async keyword onto _loadData() to tell Dart that it’s asynchronous, and also the await keyword on the http.get() call that is blocking.
When the HTTP call completes, you pass a callback to setState() that runs synchronously on the UI thread. In this case, you are decoding the JSON response and assigning it to the _members list.
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