Almost every element of your Flutter app is a widget. Widgets are designed to be immutable, since using immutable widgets helps keep the app UI lightweight.
There are two fundamental types of widgets you will use:
Stateless: widgets that depend only upon their own configuration info, such as a static image in an image view.
Stateful: widgets that need to maintain dynamic information and do so by interacting with a State object.
Both stateless and stateful widgets redraw in Flutter apps on every frame, the difference being that the stateful widgets delegate their configuration to a State object.
To get started with making your own widgets, create a new class at the bottom of main.dart:
class GHFlutter extends StatefulWidget {
createState() => new GHFlutterState();
We need to make a StatefulWidget subclass and then overre the createState() method to create its state object. Now add a GHFlutterState class above GHFlutter:
class GHFlutterState extends State
Now we need to fill in the build method
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new Scaffold (
appBar: new AppBar(
title: new Text(Strings.appTitle),
body: new Text(Strings.appTitle),
A Scaffold is a container for material design widgets. It acts as the root of a widget hierarchy. You’ve added an AppBar and a body to the scaffold, and each contains a Text widget.
To use the stateless widget, it should be given the state for the home.
class GHFlutterApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new MaterialApp(
title: Strings.appTitle,
home: new GHFlutter(),
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