Tuesday, March 12, 2024

What's difference between AQUA scan pre-scan and release scan


A pre-scan is likely an initial or preliminary scan performed on an image or codebase before it's deployed to production.

The purpose of a pre-scan could be to:

Identify any high-risk vulnerabilities early in the development process.

Get a high-level overview of the security posture of the image or codebase.

Provide faster feedback to developers so they can address potential issues before deployment.

Pre-scans might be less comprehensive than release scans, focusing on critical vulnerabilities or using faster scanning techniques.

Release Scan:

A release scan is likely a more thorough and in-depth security scan performed on an image or codebase before it's officially released to a wider audience.

The purpose of a release scan could be to:

Identify a broader range of vulnerabilities, including medium and low-risk ones.

Ensure the image or codebase meets specific security compliance standards.

Provide a higher level of confidence in the security posture of the release.

Release scans might be more time-consuming and use more comprehensive scanning engines to detect a wider variety of vulnerabilities.



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