Thursday, March 7, 2024

Displaying Input widgets,Progress and Status with Streamlit

st.checkbox(): This function returns a Boolean value. When the box is checked, it returns a True value, otherwise a False value. st.button(): This function is used to display a button widget. This function is used to display a radio button widget. st.selectbox(): This function is used to display a select widget. st.multiselect(): This function is used to display a multiselect widget. st.select_slider(): This function is used to display a select slider widget. st.slider(): This function is used to display a slider widget.


st.button('Click')'Pick your gender',['Male','Female'])

st.selectbox('Pick your gender',['Male','Female'])

st.multiselect('choose a planet',['Jupiter', 'Mars', 'neptune'])

st.select_slider('Pick a mark', ['Bad', 'Good', 'Excellent'])

st.slider('Pick a number', 0,50)

st.number_input(): This function is used to display a numeric input widget. st.text_input(): This function is used to display a text input widget. st.date_input(): This function is used to display a date input widget to choose a date. st.time_input(): This function is used to display a time input widget to choose a time. st.text_area(): This function is used to display a text input widget with more than a line text. st.file_uploader(): This function is used to display a file uploader widget. st.color_picker(): This function is used to display color picker widget to choose a color.

st.number_input('Pick a number', 0,10)

st.text_input('Email address')

st.date_input('Travelling date')

st.time_input('School time')


st.file_uploader('Upload a photo')

st.color_picker('Choose your favorite color')

st.balloons(): This function is used to display balloons for celebration. st.progress(): This function is used to display a progress bar. st.spinner(): This function is used to display a temporary waiting message during execution.



with st.spinner('Wait for it...'):    time.sleep(10)

st.success(): This function is used to display a success message. st.error(): This function is used to display an error message. st.warnig(): This function is used to display a warning message. This function is used to display an informational message. st.exception(): This function is used to display an exception message.

st.success("You did it !")


st.warnig("Warning")"It's easy to build a streamlit app")

st.exception(RuntimeError("RuntimeError exception"))


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