Sunday, March 24, 2024

What is difference between RAG and Fine Tuning

Before we wrap up, let's address another LLM-related buzzword: fine-tuning.

Fine-tuning and RAG provide two different ways to optimize LLMs. While RAG and fine-tuning both leverage source data, they each have unique advantages and challenges to consider.

Fine-tuning is a process that continues training a model on additional data to make it perform better on the specific tasks and domains that the data set details. However, a single model can't be the best at everything, and tasks unrelated to the fine-tuned tasks often degrade in performance with additional training. For example, fine-tuning is how code-specific LLMs are created. Google's Codey is fine-tuned on a curated dataset of code examples in a variety of languages. This makes Codey perform substantially better at coding tasks than Google's Duet or PaLM 2 models, but at the expense of general chat performance.

Conversely, RAG augments LLMs with relevant and current information retrieved from external knowledge bases. This dynamic augmentation lets LLMs overcome the limitations of static knowledge and generate responses that are more informed, accurate, and contextually relevant. However, the integration of external knowledge introduces increased computational complexity, latency, and prompt complexity, potentially leading to longer inference times, higher resource utilization, and longer development cycles.

RAG does best fine-tuning in one specific area: forgetting. When you fine-tune a model, the training data becomes a part of the model itself. You can't isolate or remove a specific part of the model. LLMs can't forget. However, vector stores let you add, update, and delete their contents, so you can easily remove erroneous or out-of-date information whenever you want.

Fine-tuning and RAG together can create LLM-powered applications that are specialized to specific tasks or domains and are capable of using contextual knowledge. Consider GitHub Copilot: It's a fine-tuned model that specializes in coding and uses your code and coding environment as a knowledge base to provide context to your prompts. As a result, Copilot tends to be adaptable, accurate, and relevant to your code. On the flip side, Copilot's chat-based responses can anecdotally take longer to process than other models, and Copilot can't assist with tasks that aren't coding-related.



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