Monday, September 25, 2023

Docker run command runs the local image but docker exec says no such container

The docker run command is used to create and start a new Docker container from an image, and it's typically used when you want to start a new container. On the other hand, the docker exec command is used to execute a command within an already running container. Therefore, if you're getting a "no such container" error with docker exec, it means that Docker cannot find a running container with the specified name or ID.

Here are some steps to troubleshoot and resolve the issue:

Check Running Containers:

First, verify which containers are currently running on your system using the docker ps command:


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docker ps

This command lists all running containers along with their names and IDs. Make sure the container you're trying to execute commands within is listed.

Container Name or ID:

Ensure that you're using the correct container name or ID with the docker exec command. The syntax for docker exec is:


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Replace CONTAINER with the name or ID of the container you want to execute the command in.

Container State:

If the container you're trying to execute commands within is not running, you will encounter the "no such container" error. Make sure the container is in a running state using the docker ps command.

Check Container Logs:

If the container is not running, you can check its logs to see if there were any issues that caused it to stop. Use the docker logs command:


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docker logs CONTAINER

Replace CONTAINER with the name or ID of the container you want to check.

Container Name Conflicts:

Ensure that there are no naming conflicts between containers and other Docker objects (e.g., images, volumes) that could be causing confusion.

Recreate the Container:

If the container is not running, you may need to recreate it using the docker run command. Make sure to specify the image and container name if needed.

Restart the Docker Service:

Sometimes, issues with Docker itself can cause problems. You can try restarting the Docker service on your host:


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sudo service docker restart

Docker Version Compatibility:

Ensure that the version of Docker you're using is compatible with the Docker images and containers you're working with.

If none of the above steps resolve the issue, please provide more details about your Docker setup, the exact commands you're using, and any error messages you encounter for further assistance.



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