Monday, September 18, 2023

Alpine Docker image configure busybox to use rsyslog - minimal steps

To configure BusyBox to use rsyslog for logging in an Alpine Linux-based Docker container, you can follow these steps:

Create an Alpine Docker Container:

If you haven't already, pull the Alpine Linux image and create a new container:


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docker pull alpine

docker run -it --name my-alpine-container alpine /bin/sh

Install BusyBox and Rsyslog:

Inside the container, install BusyBox and rsyslog using the Alpine package manager (apk):


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apk add busybox rsyslog

Configure Rsyslog:

Edit the Rsyslog configuration file to configure it to listen to syslog messages from BusyBox and write them to log files. You can use a text editor like vi or nano:


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vi /etc/rsyslog.conf

Add the following lines to the rsyslog.conf file to listen on UDP port 514 and write syslog messages to a log file:


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$ModLoad imudp

$UDPServerRun 514

$template YourTemplate, "/var/log/myapp.log"

*.* ?YourTemplate

Customize the log file path and template as needed.

Start Rsyslog:

Start the Rsyslog daemon:


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Use the logger Command:

Now, you can use the logger command to log messages, and Rsyslog will capture and write them to the specified log file. For example:


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logger "This is a test log message"

View the Logs:

To view the logs written by Rsyslog, you can use a text editor, cat, or tail:


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cat /var/log/myapp.log

Replace /var/log/myapp.log with the actual path and name of your log file.

That's it! You've configured BusyBox to use rsyslog for logging in your Alpine Linux-based Docker container. Adjust the Rsyslog configuration to suit your specific logging needs, such as configuring log rotation or forwarding logs to remote servers, as required for your application.



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