Monday, September 16, 2024

Performance Monitoring in Python and Node.JS

To monitor and compare the performance of threads in both Python and Node.js when making REST API calls, you can use a combination of logging, performance monitoring tools, and graphing frameworks. Here are the steps and tools to set up monitoring and visualize the comparison:

1. Thread Monitoring:

Both Python and Node.js support threading models but handle concurrency differently. To track the completion time and performance of each thread, you’ll need to instrument the code in both environments.


Thread Creation and Monitoring: Use the threading module to create and monitor threads.

Timestamps: Record the start and end time of each thread using the time module.

REST API Calls: Use requests or httpx for making API calls.

Example Python code:


import threading

import time

import requests

def api_call(url):

    start_time = time.time()

    response = requests.get(url)

    end_time = time.time()

    print(f"Thread {threading.current_thread().name} completed in {end_time - start_time} seconds")

threads = []

url = ""

for i in range(10):

    thread = threading.Thread(target=api_call, args=(url,))



for thread in threads:



Concurrency: Use async functions or libraries like axios and the worker_threads module for threading.

Timestamps: Use console.time and console.timeEnd for measuring execution time of threads.

Example Node.js code:


const axios = require('axios');

const { Worker } = require('worker_threads');

function callApi() {



        .then(response => {



        .catch(error => console.error(error));


for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

    new Worker(callApi());


2. Performance Metrics to Collect:

Response Time: Measure how long it takes for each thread to complete its API call.

CPU Usage: Track CPU usage during execution.

Memory Usage: Track memory consumption.

Concurrency: Track how many threads are running concurrently and if there are any bottlenecks.

3. Monitoring Tools:

Python Monitoring Tools:

cProfile: A built-in Python module that provides detailed profiling of your threads and functions.

psutil: A cross-platform library for system monitoring (CPU, memory).

Prometheus with Grafana: For real-time performance monitoring and graphing of thread execution times.

Node.js Monitoring Tools:

node-clinic: A performance tool for Node.js that provides insights into the execution of the code, including CPU and memory usage.

Prometheus with Grafana: Can be integrated with Node.js to collect and visualize metrics.

Cross-Language Monitoring Tools:

New Relic or Datadog: These tools provide full-stack performance monitoring and can handle both Python and Node.js applications, making them suitable for comparison.

4. Graphing and Visualization Frameworks:


Can be used with Prometheus (for both Python and Node.js) to create dashboards and visualize the data such as:

Thread completion time

CPU/Memory usage per thread

Total number of requests and average response time

Set up Grafana panels to track specific metrics like thread execution time, system load, and API response times.

New Relic/Datadog:

Automatically generates detailed graphs and comparisons for different parts of your application.

Provides easy comparison between Python and Node.js thread performance with metrics like response time and throughput.

Flame Graphs:

Flame graphs can be generated to show which functions or threads consume the most CPU or time.

In Node.js, you can use tools like 0x or clinic flame to generate flame graphs.

In Python, py-spy or FlameGraph can be used.

5. Conclusion:

Set up logging for thread completion in both Python and Node.js.

Use Prometheus for metrics collection and Grafana for visualization.

Compare metrics like response time, memory usage, and CPU consumption to determine which implementation performs better.

For advanced comparison, tools like New Relic or Datadog can provide cross-platform insights and help you visualize the performance differences between the two languages.

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