Monday, September 2, 2024

How to reduce the number of tokens to the OpenAI model?

When you encounter an error indicating that your request exceeds the maximum token length, reducing the number of tokens effectively is key. Here’s how you can do that:

1. Shorten the Input Text

Remove unnecessary details: Focus on the essential parts of your input. Eliminate redundant phrases, unnecessary adjectives, and less critical details.

Use abbreviations: Replace long words or phrases with abbreviations where possible, as long as they are understandable in context.

Simplify sentences: Break complex sentences into simpler ones with fewer words.

Remove filler words: Words like "actually," "really," "basically," etc., can often be removed without affecting the meaning.

2. Summarize Content

Summarize long paragraphs: Convert detailed descriptions into concise summaries.

Use bullet points: If you're providing a list, bullet points are usually more concise than full sentences.

3. Split the Request

Break the input into multiple requests: If possible, split your input into smaller parts and send them separately. For example, if you're working with a large text, you could send it in segments and process each one sequentially.

4. Programmatic Token Reduction

Check token count programmatically: You can use tokenizers provided by the OpenAI API or other libraries to check and reduce the token count before sending the request.

Truncate text: Automatically truncate the input text to fit within the token limit if your application allows partial input.

Example of Shortening Text

Original input:

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog, and the dog, being tired from the day's activities, just watches as the fox gracefully leaps over it.

Shortened input:

The fox jumps over the lazy dog, who watches tiredly as the fox leaps.

5. Reduce Input Complexity

Use simple language: Avoid complex vocabulary or jargon unless necessary.

Limit context: Provide only the context that is crucial for the task. Additional context can often increase token count significantly.

6. Use a Different Model

Try using a different model: Some models might have different token limits or handle tokenization differently. This may not reduce the tokens, but it's a consideration if you are flexible with the model choice.

7. Check the Response Length

Reduce expected response: If your request expects a very long response, this will also count towards the token limit. Try to ask for more concise answers if possible.

Tools to Check Token Count

OpenAI Tokenizer: Use the OpenAI tokenizer to estimate the number of tokens in your input before making a request. This helps you adjust your text accordingly.

Example of Using OpenAI’s Tokenizer (in Python):


from transformers import GPT2Tokenizer

tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained("gpt2")

text = "Your input text here"

token_count = len(tokenizer.encode(text))

print(f"Token count: {token_count}")

This helps you identify how many tokens your text uses and how much you need to reduce.

By applying these techniques, you can effectively reduce the token count of your input, thereby avoiding the error and ensuring your request fits within the model's token limit.

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