Saturday, September 7, 2024

How to Migrate from an older Gradle version of An android project to a new one?

Migrating an Android project from an older version of Gradle to a newer version, especially after upgrading Android Studio, can cause build failures due to compatibility issues. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to upgrade Gradle and the Android Gradle Plugin (AGP) to resolve these issues:

Steps to Upgrade Gradle and Android Gradle Plugin

1. Check the Current Gradle and AGP Versions

Open your project-level build.gradle file to see the current version of the Android Gradle Plugin (AGP).

Open the gradle/wrapper/ file to see the current Gradle version.

Example (build.gradle):

buildscript {

    dependencies {

        classpath ''  // Example of old AGP version



Example (

distributionUrl=https\://  // Example of old Gradle version

2. Upgrade the Android Gradle Plugin (AGP)

Check the official Android Gradle Plugin release notes for the latest stable version.

Update the AGP version in the project-level build.gradle file to the latest compatible version with your target Gradle version.

Example of upgrading AGP:

buildscript {

    repositories {




    dependencies {

        classpath ''  // Upgrade to a newer version



3. Upgrade the Gradle Wrapper

Use the latest compatible version of Gradle for the AGP version you’ve chosen. You can find the compatibility matrix in the AGP release notes.

Open the file (in gradle/wrapper/ directory), and update the distributionUrl to the latest Gradle version.

Example of upgrading Gradle:

distributionUrl=https\://  // Use the latest compatible version

Alternatively, you can use Android Studio's built-in tool to upgrade the Gradle wrapper:

Navigate to: File > Project Structure > Project and change the Gradle version and Android Plugin version.

After selecting the new versions, click OK, and Android Studio will automatically update the Gradle wrapper.

4. Update build.gradle Files

Some configuration changes have occurred over time, so you may need to update your build.gradle files accordingly.

Dependency configurations:

Replace any deprecated compile statements with implementation or api

// Old (deprecated)

compile 'com.example:library:1.0'

// New

implementation 'com.example:library:1.0'

Java/Kotlin compatibility:

Ensure you specify the proper Java compatibility (especially for Gradle 7.x+)

android {

    compileOptions {

        sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

        targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8




If the buildToolsVersion is missing or outdated, either remove it (as it’s optional in newer versions) or set it to the latest available version.


If you’re using ProGuard or R8, update ProGuard rules. With AGP 7.x+, you should use proguard-android-optimize.txt.

5. Sync the Project and Resolve Errors

After making these changes, sync the project in Android Studio (File > Sync Project with Gradle Files).

Android Studio will attempt to sync with the updated Gradle and AGP versions. If there are any errors, they will show up in the Build Output window.

6. Fix Common Migration Errors

You may encounter specific issues after upgrading Gradle and AGP. Here are some common problems and how to fix them:

Deprecated APIs:

Newer versions of AGP often deprecate or remove old APIs. If you encounter errors related to deprecated APIs, you may need to adjust the corresponding code.

For example, compile is deprecated in favor of implementation and api.

Jetifier issues with libraries:

If you’re using AndroidX, ensure that your dependencies are AndroidX-compatible. If you face issues, enable jetifier in your



Java version issues:

If Gradle requires Java 11+, ensure that you have the correct Java version installed and set up in Android Studio.

Update the project’s compileOptions and kotlinOptions to reflect Java 11 (or higher) compatibility if needed:

android {

    compileOptions {

        sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_11

        targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_11



 Rebuild the Project

Once all errors have been resolved, rebuild the project (Build > Rebuild Project) to ensure everything is working correctly.

8. Run the App

After a successful rebuild, run the app to ensure the new Gradle and AGP versions are working correctly.

Example Migration (Old to New Versions)

Before (Old Setup):

// Project-level build.gradle

buildscript {

    dependencies {

        classpath ''  // Old AGP



// App-level build.gradle

android {

    compileSdkVersion 28

    buildToolsVersion "28.0.3"


dependencies {

    compile 'com.example:library:1.0'  // Deprecated compile


After (Updated Setup):

// Project-level build.gradle

buildscript {

    dependencies {

        classpath ''  // New AGP



// App-level build.gradle

android {

    compileSdkVersion 31  // Updated SDK version

    defaultConfig {

        minSdkVersion 21

        targetSdkVersion 31


    compileOptions {

        sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_11  // Updated Java compatibility

        targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_11



dependencies {

    implementation 'com.example:library:1.0'  // Updated to implementation


Summary of Key Changes:

Upgrade Android Gradle Plugin in build.gradle.

Update Gradle wrapper using

Replace deprecated compile with implementation or api.

Ensure Java compatibility matches the Gradle version requirements.

Sync and rebuild the project to resolve any errors.

Following these steps should help you migrate your Android project from an older version of Gradle to a newer one successfully.

references: => Android Gradle Plugin assistant 

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