Wednesday, June 19, 2024

What is Detours, Kernel Transaction Manager, Dynamic-link

Kernel transaction manager: This manages transactions within the kernel, which is a core part of the operating system. It's not used for instrumenting applications.

Services: Services are background processes that run on the operating system. While some malware might interact with services, Detours is a specific library used for code injection.

Dynamic-link: Dynamic linking refers to the concept of loading libraries at runtime. Detours leverages this concept to inject code.

Detours: A Code Injection Library

Developed by Microsoft Research, Detours provides a way to intercept and modify function calls within a program.

Benefits for Developers: Originally, Detours was intended to simplify tasks like code instrumentation and debugging by allowing developers to hook into existing functions.

Malware Abuse: Unfortunately, malware authors have misused Detours to inject malicious code into legitimate processes. This can be done by:

Attaching DLLs: Malware can use Detours to inject malicious DLLs into programs. The code within the DLL can then be executed when specific functions are called.

Adding Function Hooks: Detours can also be used to hook functions within a process. When a hooked function is called, the malware's code can be executed before or after the original function, allowing it to alter the program's behavior.

In conclusion, Detours is a legitimate library that has been misused by malware authors for code injection purposes.

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