Monday, June 24, 2024

Custom String evaluator in Langchain

You can make your own custom string evaluators by inheriting from the StringEvaluator class and implementing the _evaluate_strings (and _aevaluate_strings for async support) methods.

In this example, you will create a perplexity evaluator using the HuggingFace evaluate library. Perplexity is a measure of how well the generated text would be predicted by the model used to compute the metric 

from typing import Any, Optional

from evaluate import load

from langchain.evaluation import StringEvaluator

class PerplexityEvaluator(StringEvaluator):

    """Evaluate the perplexity of a predicted string."""

    def __init__(self, model_id: str = "gpt2"):

        self.model_id = model_id

        self.metric_fn = load(

            "perplexity", module_type="metric", model_id=self.model_id, pad_token=0


    def _evaluate_strings(



        prediction: str,

        reference: Optional[str] = None,

        input: Optional[str] = None,

        **kwargs: Any,

    ) -> dict:

        results = self.metric_fn.compute(

            predictions=[prediction], model_id=self.model_id


        ppl = results["perplexities"][0]

        return {"score": ppl}

evaluator = PerplexityEvaluator()

evaluator.evaluate_strings(prediction="The rains in Spain fall mainly on the plain.")


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