Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Differences betweenn FindResource, CallNextHookEx, CreateProcess, VirtualAllocEx

The following API calls are frequently used for process injection:

CreateRemoteThread: (Not listed, but most common) This function is a popular choice for process injection. It allows you to create a new thread within the target process and specify the start address for that thread. The start address can be set to point to the malicious code within a loaded DLL or directly injected code.

VirtualAllocEx: This function allows allocating memory within the address space of another process. This allocated memory can then be used to store the malicious code that will be executed by the target process.

FindResource: This function is used to locate resources embedded within a program's executable file. While it might be used by some malware to locate malicious code within its own resources, it's not directly involved in injecting code into another process.

CallNextHookEx: This function is used within the context of hooking, a technique where malware replaces a legitimate function with its own code. While hooking can be used in conjunction with process injection, CallNextHookEx itself isn't directly used for injection.

CreateProcess: This function is typically used to create a new process entirely. While a new process could be used to inject code into another process through complex techniques, it's not the most common approach compared to CreateRemoteThread for injection.

In summary, CreateRemoteThread and VirtualAllocEx are frequently used API calls for process injection. CreateRemoteThread allows for creating a thread to execute injected code, and VirtualAllocEx allocates memory within the target process to store the injected code.

It's important to note that process injection can be a legitimate technique used for debugging or software functionality, but malware authors often exploit it for malicious purposes.

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