Saturday, December 24, 2022

Jenkins Scaling Considerations

As an organization matures from a continuous delivery standpoint, its Jenkins requirements will similarly grow. This growth is often reflected in the Jenkins architecture, whether that be "vertical" or "horizontal" growth.

Vertical growth is when the load on a Jenkins controller load is increased by having more configured jobs or orchestrating more frequent builds. This may also mean that more teams are depending on that one controller.

Horizontal growth is the creation of additional Jenkins controllers to accommodate new teams or projects, rather than adding new teams or projects to an existing controller.

There are potential pitfalls associated with each approach to scaling Jenkins, but with careful planning, many of them can be avoided or managed. Here are some things to consider when choosing a strategy for scaling your organization’s Jenkins instances:

Do you have the resources to run a distributed build system? If possible, it is recommended set up dedicated build nodes that run separately from the Jenkins controller. This frees up resources for the controller to improve its scheduling performance and prevents builds from being able to modify any potentially sensitive data in the $JENKINS_HOME. This also allows for a single controller to scale far more vertically than if that controller were both the job builder and scheduler.

Do you have the resources to maintain multiple controllers? Jenkins controllers require regular plugin updates, semi-monthly core upgrades, and regular backups of configurations and build histories. Security settings and roles will have to be manually configured for each controller. Downed controllers will require manual restart of the Jenkins controller and any jobs that were killed by the outage.

How mission critical are each team’s projects? Consider segregating the most vital projects to separate controllers to minimize the impact of a single downed controller. Also consider converting any mission-critical project pipelines to Pipeline jobs, which continue executing even when the agent connection to the controller is lost.

How important is a fast start-up time for your Jenkins instance? The more jobs a controller has configured, the longer it takes to load Jenkins after an upgrade or a crash. The use of folders and views to organize jobs can limit the number of that need to be rendered on start up.


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