Saturday, December 24, 2022

 Jenkins Distributed Builds Architecture

A Jenkins controller can operate by itself both managing the build environment and executing the builds with its own executors and resources. If you stick with this "standalone" configuration you will most likely run out of resources when the number or the load of your projects increase.

To come back up and running with your Jenkins infrastructure you will need to enhance the controller (increasing memory, number of CPUs, etc). The time it takes to maintain and upgrade the machine, the controller together with all the build environment will be down, the jobs will be stopped and the whole Jenkins infrastructure will be unusable.

Scaling Jenkins in such a scenario would be extremely painful and would introduce many "idle" periods where all the resources assigned to your build environment are useless.

Moreover, executing jobs on the controller introduces a "security" issue: the "jenkins" user that Jenkins uses to run the jobs would have full permissions on all Jenkins resources on the controller. This means that, with a simple script, a malicious user can have direct access to private information whose integrity and privacy could not be, thus, guaranteed. 

For all these reasons Jenkins supports agents, where the workload of building projects are delegated to multiple agents.

An agent is a machine set up to offload projects from the controller. The method with which builds are scheduled depends on the configuration given to each project. For example, some projects may be configured to "restrict where this project is run" which ties the project to a specific agent or set of labeled agents. Other projects which omit this configuration will select an agent from the available pool in Jenkins.

In a distributed builds environment, the Jenkins controller will use its resources to only handle HTTP requests and manage the build environment. Actual execution of builds will be delegated to the agents. With this configuration it is possible to horizontally scale an architecture, which allows a single Jenkins installation to host a large number of projects and build environments.

In order for a machine to be recognized as an agent, it needs to run a specific agent program to establish bi-directional communication with the controller.


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