Friday, February 18, 2022

pandas isnull and isna are the same?

 Pandas is a two-dimensional data structure that allows you to store data in rows and columns format. It also provides a lot of API methods that can be used for easier data analysis. Two such methods are isna() and isnull()

Both isna() and isnull() functions are used to find the missing values in the pandas dataframe.

isnull() and isna() literally does the same things. isnull() is just an alias of the isna() method as shown in pandas source code.

Missing values are used to denote the values which are null or do not have any actual values. You can use the pd.NaT, np.NaN or None to denote the missing values in the dataframe.,values%20in%20the%20pandas%20dataframe.&text=isnull()%20is%20just%20an,not%20have%20any%20actual%20values.

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