Friday, December 4, 2020

What are various symbols in Excel

= This is an equals sign and is used at the beginning of a formula

+ This is an addition sign and is used in sums and formulas

- This is a subtraction sign and is used in sums and formulas

/ This is a division sign and is used in sums and formulas

* This is a multiplication sign and is used in sums and formulas

( ) These are rounded brackets and are used to group together smaller sums in more complex formulas

: This is a colon and is used in a formula to create a range of cells (e.g. A2:B4)

, This is a comma and is used for separating cell references in formulas (often for non-adjacent cells)

$ This is a dollar sign and is used when creating absolute references

% This is a percentage sign and is used when dealing with figures in percentages

[ ] These are square brackets and are used for identifying a workbook which is being linked in to a formula e.g. =[Book1]Sheet1!$A$1

! This is an exclamation mark and is used for identifying a worksheet which is being linked in to a formula e.g. =Sheet2!A1 


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