Tuesday, December 31, 2019

What are three major Python GUI Frameworks?

What are three major Python GUI Frameworks?


PyQt implements the popular Qt library, and so if you are familiar with Qt development in another language, perhaps from developing native applications for KDE or another Qt-using desktop environment, you may already be familiar with Qt. This opens up the possibility of developing applications in Python which have a familiar look and feel across many platforms, while taking advantage of the tools and knowledge of the large Qt community.


If there were a single package which might be called the "standard" GUI toolkit for Python, it would be Tkinter. Tkinter is a wrapper around Tcl/Tk, a popular graphical interface and language pairing first popularized in the early 90s. The advantage of choosing Tkinter is the vast number of resources, including books and code samples, as well as a large community of users who may be able to help you out if you have questions. Simple examples are easy to get started with and fairly human-readable.


WxPython brings the wxWidgets cross-platform GUI library from its native C++ to Python. WxPython is a slightly more modern approach to, which looks a little more native than Tkinter across different operating systems as it does not attempt to create its own set of widgets (although these can be themed to look much like native components). It's fairly easy to get started with as well, and has a growing developer community. You may need to bundle wxPython with your applications, as it is not automatically installed with Python.


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