Monday, July 1, 2024

Where does transformer library store the model files

 Here's how the transformers library typically stores downloaded model data:

Library: transformers

Function: AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained (or similar for different model types)

Storage Location:

The downloaded model data is typically stored in a cache directory created by the transformers library. The exact location depends on your operating system and environment:

Windows: Typically in %USERPROFILE%\.cache\huggingface\hub

macOS/Linux: Usually in ~/.cache/huggingface/hub (tilde represents your home directory)

This cache directory can contain subfolders for different models you've downloaded using the transformers library. Inside each model's folder, you'll find the various files constituting the model, such as:

config.json: Configuration file defining the model architecture.

pytorch_model.bin: Weights of the model (for PyTorch models).

tf_model.h5 or saved_model.pb (for TensorFlow models).

tokenizer.json: Vocabulary file used for processing text.

Additional files depending on the specific model format.

Important Notes:

You don't usually need to directly access these files unless you're troubleshooting or performing advanced tasks.

The transformers library manages the cache location and retrieves the necessary files when you load the model using from_pretrained.

Finding the Downloaded Model:

If you want to see the location of the downloaded Llama model data, you can:

Check the transformers documentation: It might specify the default cache location.

Look for environment variables: Some environments might have variables defining the cache location.

Use your OS file explorer: Navigate to the typical cache locations mentioned above and search for folders with names matching the downloaded Llama model.

Remember, accessing and manipulating these files directly is not recommended for regular usage. Interact with the model using the transformers library functions to ensure proper functionality and avoid potential issues.

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