Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Openshift YAML memory and cpu configurations

 In an OpenShift configuration YAML file, the memory and cpu properties within the resources section under limits and requests define resource constraints for your pods. They specify the amount of memory and CPU a pod is allowed to use (limits) and the minimum amount guaranteed (requests) by OpenShift.

Here's a breakdown of their roles:


limits: This defines the maximum amount of memory (in units like Mi, Gi) a pod can consume. Exceeding this limit can lead to various actions by OpenShift, such as throttling resource allocation, eviction from the node, or even pod termination.

requests: This specifies the minimum amount of memory guaranteed for the pod by OpenShift. When scheduling pods on nodes, OpenShift prioritizes pods with sufficient memory available based on their requests.


limits: This defines the maximum amount of CPU (in units like millicores, m) a pod can utilize. Exceeding this limit can also trigger throttling or even pod termination by OpenShift.

requests: This specifies the minimum CPU resources guaranteed for the pod. OpenShift tries to schedule pods on nodes with enough CPU capacity to fulfill these requests.

Why are both limits and requests important?

Limits: They prevent pods from consuming excessive resources and impacting the overall performance of the cluster or other pods running on the same node.

Requests: They ensure your pods have the minimum resources they need to function properly and avoid resource starvation. This is crucial for predictable and reliable application behavior.

Best Practices:

Set realistic memory and CPU limits based on your application's requirements.

Don't overestimate requests to avoid underutilizing resources on nodes.

Monitor resource usage of your pods to fine-tune limits and requests for optimal performance.

By effectively utilizing memory and cpu within limits and requests sections, you can ensure efficient resource allocation and proper pod scheduling within your OpenShift environment.

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