One Hot Encoding is a common way of preprocessing categorical features for machine learning models. This type of encoding creates a new binary feature for each possible category and assigns a value of 1 to the feature of each sample that corresponds to its original category.
Limitations of One Hot Encoding
The operation of one-hot encoding categorical variables is actually a simple embedding where each category is mapped to a different vector. This process takes discrete entities and maps each observation to a vector of 0s and a single 1 signaling the specific category.
The one-hot encoding technique has two main drawbacks:
For high-cardinality variables — those with many unique categories — the dimensionality of the transformed vector becomes unmanageable.
The mapping is completely uninformed: “similar” categories are not placed closer to each other in embedding space.
The first problem is well-understood: for each additional category — referred to as an entity — we have to add another number to the one-hot encoded vector. If we have 37,000 books on Wikipedia, then representing these requires a 37,000-dimensional vector for each book, which makes training any machine learning model on this representation infeasible.
The second problem is equally limiting: one-hot encoding does not place similar entities closer to one another in vector space. If we measure similarity between vectors using the cosine distance, then after one-hot encoding, the similarity is 0 for every comparison between entities.
This means that entities such as War and Peace and Anna Karenina (both classic books by Leo Tolstoy) are no closer to one another than War and Peace is to The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy if we use one-hot encoding.
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