Sunday, October 2, 2022

AI/ML functionalities of various gates in LSTM

the forget gate determines which relevant information from the prior steps is needed. The input gate decides what relevant information can be added from the current step, and the output gates finalize the next hidden state.

The forget gate decides which information needs attention and which can be ignored. The information from the current input X(t) and hidden state h(t-1) are passed through the sigmoid function. Sigmoid generates values between 0 and 1. It concludes whether the part of the old output is necessary (by giving the output closer to 1). This value of f(t) will later be used by the cell for point-by-point multiplication.

The input gate performs the following operations to update the cell status.

First, the current state X(t) and previously hidden state h(t-1) are passed into the second sigmoid function. The values are transformed between 0 (important) and 1 (not-important).

Next, the same information of the hidden state and current state will be passed through the tanh function. To regulate the network, the tanh operator will create a vector (C~(t) ) with all the possible values between -1 and 1. The output values generated form the activation functions are ready for point-by-point multiplication.

The output

First, the values of the current state and previous hidden state are passed into the third sigmoid function. Then the new cell state generated from the cell state is passed through the tanh function. Both these outputs are multiplied point-by-point. Based upon the final value, the network decides which information the hidden state should carry. This hidden state is used for prediction.


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