Monday, December 14, 2020

Security Concerns on WebXR

There are a number of potential security issues involved with collecting all of this data in order to generate and apply lighting to your virtual objects using real-world data.

Of course, many AR applications make it pretty clear where the user is located. If the user is running an app called Touring the Louvre, there's a very good chance the user is located in the Musée du Louvre in Paris, France. But browsers are required to take a number of steps to make it difficult to physically locate the user without their consent.

Ambient Light Sensor API

The collection of light data using the Ambient Light Sensor API introduces various potential privacy issues.

Lighting information can leak to the web information about the user's surroundings and device usage patterns. Such information can be used to enhance user profiling and behavior analysis data.

If two or more devices access content that uses the same third-party script, that script can be used to correlate lighting information and how it changes over time to attempt to determine a spatial relationship between the devices; this could in theory indicate that the devices are in the same general area, for example.

How browsers mitigate these issues

In order to help mitigate these risks, browsers are required by the WebXR Lighting Estimation API specification to report lighting information that is fudged somewhat from the true value. There are many ways this could be done.

Spherical harmonics precision

Browsers can mitigate the risk of fingerprinting by reducing the precision of spherical harmonics. When performing real-time rendering—as is the case with any virtual or augmented reality application—spherical harmonic lighting is used to simplify and accelerate the process of generating highly realistic shadows and shading. By altering the accuracy of these functions, the browser makes the data less consistent, and, importantly, makes the data generated by two computers differ, even in the same setting.

Decoupling orientation from lighting

In an AR application that uses geolocation to determine orientation and potentially position information, avoiding having that information directly correlate to the state of the lighting is another way browsers can protect users from fingerprinting attacks. By simply ensuring that the compass direction and the light directionality aren't identical on every device that's near (or claims to be near) the user's location, the ability to find users based on the state of the lighting around them is removed.

When the browser provides details about a very bright, directional light source, that source probably represents the sun. The directionality of this bright light source combined with the time of day can be used to determine the user's geographic location without involving the Geolocation API. By ensuring that the coordinates of the AR scene don't align with compass coordinates, and by reducing the precision of the sun's light angle, the location can no longer be accurately estimated using this technique.

Temporal and spatial filtering

Consider an attack that uses a building's automated lighting system to flash the lights on and off quickly in a known pattern. Without proper precautions, the lighting estimation data could be used to detect this pattern and thus determine that a user is in a particular location. This could be done remotely, or it could be performed by an attacker who's located in the same room but wants to determine if the other person is also in the same room

Another scenario in which lighting estimation can be used to obtain information about the user without permission: if the light sensor is close enough to the user's display to detect lighting changes caused by the contents of the display, an algorithm could be used to determine whether or not the user is watching a particular video—or even to potentially identify which of a number of videos the user is watching.

The Lighting Estimation API specification mandates that all user agents perform temporal and spatial filtering to fuzz the data in a manner that reduces its usefulness for the purpose of locating the user or performing side-channel attacks.


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