Tuesday, October 27, 2020

What is Network Intelligence

Network Intelligence is a capacity planning system used by Communication Service Providers (CSPs) for communications networks. It reads data from your network inventory systems or other network data sources and processes that data to create useful views of your network data. Network Intelligence allows network planners to view network reports and maps, plan network build, and identify potential capacity stress points within the network in advance. After loading inventory data in Network Intelligence, you manage your network assets, forecast traffic demand, plan network capacity, optimize network traffic, and perform network cost reduction and consolidation.

You can load inventory data whenever you require, and it can also be done on a predefined schedule. When you first deploy Network Intelligence, you load all the data. Thereafter, you typically run automated loads at regular intervals (for example, every night during network downtime) that load only new data or changes to existing data, such as updates or deletions.

Network Intelligence can load and process cost data for network components that you can use to create costing plans for proposed trail routing.Within Network Intelligence, the data capture platform is displayed and the principal functional areas are listed, including capacity forecasting and trail routing. Data outputs include capacity planning, financial modeling, and reporting modules.

The core module provides visualization, utilization, and trending reporting on all network entity types from topologies, networks, equipment, equipment holders, and links, down to individual cards and trails. By measuring and reporting the utilization of all network elements, and examining existing capacity utilization black spots, the core module suggests the re-routing of inefficient trails, and generates comprehensive outage information.

About Service Demand Forecasting

Forecasting is the creation of optimal network build plans by network planning engineers. Network Intelligence analyzes projected service demands versus the current network capacity. The resultant forecast is defined as a collection of service demands with expected future trail growth counts for one, or more, future time periods. Each individual network point-to-point service demand consists of a route with a quantity of trails that require routing. A service demand can also have a customer. The service demands are used to automatically configure routes for multiple trails over the existing, and new planned network. The outputs of the service demand are:

Network build plan: itemizing new build requirements

Network financial budget: itemizing cost line items

Network impact: itemizing the effect of the forecast plan on network capacity

Forecasting with Network Intelligence offers several benefits:

Providing operators with the confidence to predict, and minimize, network investment requirements.

Estimating future sales forecasts by internal business units, or sales forecasts derived by Network Intelligence.

Calculating network point-to-point service demands from the plan. Individual route rules can be adjusted, and the plan incrementally rerun.

Using service demands to configure proposed routes over existing, or planned network topologies.

Calculating the amount of new network build required, and generating the cost. New network is built only when, and where, it is needed. The cost of the new build required for a sales bid can be determined. Network capacity for the bid can be reserved.

Creating a network investment blueprint to support the business in the future. Services or individual routes can be prioritized, to ensure that premium services and customers are catered for first.

Providing exhaustion analysis (trending) after implementation of planned demands. Forecasts can be continually compared to the actual take-up in the network to help improve future plan accuracy.



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