Friday, October 16, 2020

What Is a Docker Container?


What is Docker container, image 

A container is a unit of software that packages an application, making it easy to deploy and manage no matter the host. Say goodbye to the infamous “it works on my machine” statement!

How? Containers are isolated and stateless, which enables them to behave the same regardless of the differences in infrastructure. A Docker container is a runtime instance of an image that’s like a template for creating the environment you want.

What Is a Docker Image?

A Docker image is an executable package that includes everything that the application needs to run. This includes code, libraries, configuration files, and environment variables.

Why Do You Need Containers?

Containers allow breaking down applications into microservices – multiple small parts of the app that can interact with each other via functional APIs. Each microservice is responsible for a single feature so development teams can work on different parts of the application at the same time. That makes building an application easier and faster.


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