The really simple explanation for the difference between the two is this:
ECB (electronic code book) is basically raw cipher. For each block of input, you encrypt the block and get some output. The problem with this transform is that any resident properties of the plaintext might well show up in the ciphertext – possibly not as clearly – that's what blocks and key schedules are supposed to protect againt, but analyzing the patterns you may be able to deduce properties that you otherwise thought were hidden.
CBC mode is short for cipher block chaining. You have an initialization vector which you XOR the first block of plaintext against. You then encrypt that block of plaintext. The next block of plaintext is xor'd against the last encrypted block before you encrypt this block.
The advantages of CBC over ECB are many – with ECB, assuming many things, you could manage a partial decryption and easily fill in the blanks, for example if extracting data from an encrypted hard disk. With CBC, if you are missing a few blocks in the sequence encryption becomes impossible. However, there is one downside to CBC – ECB naturally supports operation in parallel since each block can be encrypted independently of the next. However, with CBC this is harder, since you have to wait on each block. (You can still parallelize decryption, though.)
CBC itself can also be considered vulnerable in certain situations, specifically the use of predictable IVs and unauthenticated decryption can allow you to guess plaintexts as explained in this answer and in more detail here.
The IV problem is resolved by using unpredictable (cryptographically random) IVs. The authentication problem is traditionally resolved using message authentication codes - however, implementation of these is not perfect. Dedicated modes have been invented which tackle the issue of authentication too, for example EAX and Galois Counter Mode.
Other modes exist to deal with specific scenarios, e.g.:
Counter Mode uses the fact that a block cipher's output in ECB mode should be indistinguishable from random, and XOR's the result of encrypting a counter+iv combination as a stream cipher.
XTS is a mode of operation used in disk encryption.
The key point to take away is that each mode has a number of merits and implementation concerns and these must be weighed up carefully (and correctly implemented). And, where possible, avoid ECB.
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