Thursday, November 2, 2023

What is AWX

 AWX is an open-source automation platform that provides a web-based user interface, REST API, and task engine for Ansible. It is designed to simplify and centralize the management of automation tasks, making it easier to orchestrate and schedule complex automation workflows.

Key features and capabilities of AWX include:

Graphical User Interface: AWX offers a web-based interface for managing Ansible playbooks and automation tasks. It allows users to create, edit, and run playbooks through a user-friendly interface.

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): AWX provides role-based access control, allowing administrators to define who can access and execute automation tasks.

Job Scheduling: AWX supports job scheduling, allowing users to automate the execution of playbooks and tasks at specified times or on a recurring basis.

Inventory Management: AWX provides tools for managing inventory, including dynamic inventory sources that can automatically discover and import hosts from various sources, such as cloud providers, databases, and more.

Workflow Automation: Users can create automation workflows by chaining together multiple tasks and playbooks, creating complex automation sequences.

Logging and Auditing: AWX logs the execution of tasks and provides auditing capabilities to track who executed tasks and when.

REST API: AWX offers a REST API that allows developers to integrate and interact with AWX programmatically, making it easier to automate various tasks.

Integration with Ansible: AWX is built on top of Ansible and is tightly integrated with it. It leverages the power of Ansible for automation tasks.

AWX is often used in environments where multiple users or teams need to collaborate on automation tasks, and where there is a need for centralized control, scheduling, and auditing of automation workflows. It's especially useful when Ansible automation needs to be managed at scale.

AWX is the open-source version of Red Hat Ansible Tower, a commercial product that offers additional features and support. Organizations can choose between using the open-source AWX or the commercial Ansible Tower, depending on their specific needs and requirements.



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