Sunday, October 8, 2023

What could be causing issue with rsyslog logger: failed to parse message size

The error message "rsyslog logger: failed to parse message size" typically indicates an issue with the log message format being received by the rsyslog daemon. rsyslog is a system logging tool in Unix-like operating systems, and it expects log messages to adhere to a specific format.

Here are some common reasons for this error and how to troubleshoot it:

Mismatched Log Message Format: The log message being sent to rsyslog may not conform to the expected format. Ensure that the log messages being generated and sent to rsyslog follow the correct format. Common log message formats include RFC5424 or RFC3164, depending on your configuration.

Log Message Size: The error message might be related to the size of the log message being received. Check if the log message is exceptionally large, possibly exceeding the allowed size for the message format or the rsyslog configuration. You can adjust the message size limits in rsyslog configuration files if needed.

Incorrect rsyslog Configuration: Review your rsyslog configuration files (typically found in /etc/rsyslog.conf or /etc/rsyslog.d/) to ensure they are set up correctly. Pay attention to any custom templates or rules you may have defined. Verify that the configuration matches the log message format.

Log Rotation: If log rotation is in use, ensure that log rotation configurations are set correctly. Improper log rotation can sometimes lead to issues with log message parsing.

Log Sources: Check the source of the log messages (e.g., applications, services, or syslog clients). Ensure that they are correctly sending log messages in the expected format. If a specific application is causing the issue, review its logging configuration.

rsyslog Version: Ensure that you are using a version of rsyslog that is compatible with your system and configuration. Outdated versions may have bugs or limitations that have been addressed in newer releases.

Debugging: Enable debugging or verbose logging in rsyslog to get more detailed information about the issue. This can help pinpoint the exact problem.

To enable debugging, add the following line to your rsyslog configuration file:

$DebugLevel 2 # Set the desired debug level (2 for verbose)

After making any changes to the rsyslog configuration, remember to restart the rsyslog service to apply the changes:



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