Monday, October 10, 2022

AI/ML What are POS tags




1. CC Coordinating conjunction

2. CD Cardinal number

3. DT Determiner

4. EX Existential there

5. FW Foreign word

6. IN Preposition or subordinating conjunction

7. JJ Adjective

8. JJR Adjective, comparative

9. JJS Adjective, superlative

10. LS List item marker

11. MD Modal

12. NN Noun, singular or mass

13. NNS Noun, plural

14. NNP Proper noun, singular

15. NNPS Proper noun, plural

16. PDT Predeterminer

17. POS Possessive ending

18. PRP Personal pronoun

19. PRP$ Possessive pronoun

20. RB Adverb

21. RBR Adverb, comparative

22. RBS Adverb, superlative

23. RP Particle

24. SYM Symbol

25. TO to

26. UH Interjection

27. VB Verb, base form

28. VBD Verb, past tense

29. VBG Verb, gerund or present participle

30. VBN Verb, past participle

31. VBP Verb, non-3rd person singular present

32. VBZ Verb, 3rd person singular present

33. WDT Wh-determiner

34. WP Wh-pronoun

35. WP$ Possessive wh-pronoun

36. WRB Wh-adverb


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