Thursday, September 12, 2019

What is NW.js

NW.js is a framework for building desktop applications with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It was created by Roger Wang at Intel’s Open Source Technology Center in China, and worked by combining the Node.js programming framework with Chromium’s (then) browser engine - Webkit, hence the original name Node Webkit.

By combining Node.js with Chromium, Roger found a way to create applications that could not only load a local web site within an application window, but also could interact with the Operating System via a JavaScript API. This JavaScript API could control visual aspects like window dimensions, toolbar and menu items, as well as provide access to local files on the desktop. These are things that can’t be done with a hosted web site, or even a locally hosted web site. Below is an example of how an example application works.

In the example illustrated above, the application’s files resemble those of a simple web site. The index.html web page is like most other web pages that you’ve seen - there is some HTML code for the page’s content, a link tag for the CSS stylesheet, and a script tag for the JavaScript. At this stage it’s identical to a website, and if you were to open it in a web browser it would work the same as it would in NW.js. There is also a CSS stylesheet for styling the contents of the index.html file, and an app.js file for executing JavaScript, in this case calling a simple dialog box with the text “from NW.js” inside of it.

You’ll also notice a package.json file as well. This is the manifest file used by Node.js to load applications and libraries, and NW.js uses it to store configuration information about the desktop application. It is required by NW.js for the application to load.

The NW.js application is able to load an application with a given path of the folder where the files live. It looks for the package.json file, which points to the index.html file to load, and thus loads the web page into what looks like a web browser embedded inside of an application window. This is what you can expect to see:

The example application above could load inside of a web browser without any modifications, but where NW.js differs from a web browser is that where an app.js file could only interact with the index.html’s contents in the context of a web browser, NW.js allows the app.js file to interact with the Operating System through a custom JavaScript API, as well as through Node.js. This is unlike web frameworks where the front-end code and the back-end code traditionally exist and execute in separate places. The idea of front-end and back-end code existing and executing in the same place is the key concept to grasp here.

Interacting with the Operating System

NW.js provides a JavaScript API for interacting with the Operating System, so that you can do the following:
Control the size and behavior of the application’s window
Display a native toolbar on the application window, with menu items
Add context menus in the application window area on right-click
Add a tray application item in the Operating System’s tray menu
Access the Operating System clipboard; read the contents and even set the contents as well
Open file, folders and URLs on the computer using their default applications
Insert notifications via the Operating System’s notification system.


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