Sunday, November 25, 2018

GCP vs AWS : Load balancing

Load balancing

Load balancers distribute incoming traffic across multiple instances. When configured appropriately, load balancers make applications fault-tolerant and increase application availability.

AWS's Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) service allows you to direct traffic to your instances within one or several availability zones in a given region. The ELB service performs regular health checks on each target instance, and redirects traffic if an instance becomes unhealthy. In addition, the ELB service can be integrated with AWS’s Auto Scaling service, adding and removing instances automatically when Auto Scaling scales them up or down.

When you create an Elastic Load Balancer, AWS provides a CNAME to which you can direct traffic. If you are using Amazon’s Route 53 service, you can use Elastic Load Balancer as a root domain. Otherwise, you have to use a CNAME for the Elastic Load Balancer.

Like ELB, Compute Engine's load balancer directs traffic to backend instances in one or many zones. Compute Engine's load balancer also has some additional unique features:

Compute Engine lets you choose between a network (Layer 4) load balancer, which balances both UDP and TCP traffic regionally, and an HTTP(S) (Layer 7) load balancer, which can balance traffic globally as well as regionally.
When you provision a Compute Engine load balancer, you're given a single, globally accessible IP address. This IP address can be used for the lifetime of the load balancer, so it can be used for DNS A Records, whitelists, or configurations in applications.
To summarize, AWS ELB and Compute Engine's load balancer compare as follows:

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