Tuesday, May 16, 2017

iOS Swift Make a CustomView using Xib file - Swift learning

These are the steps to making a custom UIView that is designable within Xcode:

1. Create a View .xib file (e.g.: CustomView.xib)
2. Design the user interface in Xcode
3. Set up Auto Layout constraints
4. Create a Swift code file (CustomView.swift)
5. Set .xib file’s “File’s Owner” custom class to CustomView (it must match the class name)
6. Implement both CustomView initializers: init(coder:) and init(frame:)
7. Load the UIView from the .xib file using the NSBundle and UINib classes
8. Add the view as a subview and property for the class (future modifications)
9. Add autoresizing masks for the view to match the size of the CustomView itself
10. Make the view’s frame leverage the design time size of the embedded CustomView’s bounds

The extremely important thing to remember is step 5

5. Set .xib file’s “File’s Owner” custom class to CustomView (it must match the class name)

After clicking on File's owner, before giving the class name as CustomView, do not touch anywhere else than the textfield. If touch anywhere in the View, it is going to set the class name to the UIView that is in the Xib file and the loading of the view will get into recursive loop.


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