Sunday, January 31, 2016

FAQs on Speed test

What is Ping, download speed and upload speed? 
The ping is reaction time of the connection how fast we get response after one has sent out the request. A fast ping means more responsive connection. Ping is measured in milliseconds

The download speed is how fast one can pull the data from server to you. Most connections are designed to be faster in download than upload. Download speed is measured in Mbps. 

The upload speed is how fast the data is sent from device to others. Upload speed is measured in Mbps again. 

Some of the common network speed requirement for apps are like below 

Skype  voice call : 0.1 Mbps upload, 0.1 Mbps download 
Video call : 0.5Mbps upload , 0.5 Mbps download 
HD video call : 1.5 Mbps upload , 1.5 Mbps download 

What could be reasons of having difference speed between computers and devices? Could be the ones below 

1. Differences in available bandwidth : Needs to ensure the tests on both these are not done together 
2. Differences in connection : Need to ensure both tests are performed in same connection 
3. Differences in hardware : Typically, phone and tablets are having less sophisticated WiFi antenna than larger devices like laptops. This differnce could negatively impact wifi speed especially in areas of high interference on the 2.4GHz frequency. 
