Saturday, June 14, 2014

Swift In Depth - Day III

Functions and Closures

a sample function is declared as below 

func greet(name : String, day : String) -> String 
return "Hello \(name) good \(day)"

greet ("Bob" , "morning")

we can use tuple to return multiple return values

fund getGasPrices() -> (Double, Double, Double)
return (3.5, 4.5, 6.7)


note that when there is only one return type, we don't need to have tuple brackets. 

function can also have variable argument list 

fund sumOf (numbers: Int ….) -> int 
var sum = 0; 
for number in numbers
sum += number
return sum

this function can be called like below 


Function can also be nested! - not sure what is the real use, but as per the explanation it says functions can be nested so that we can organise the code in a function that is long or complex. 

fund returnFifteen: () -> int 
var sum = 10
fun add()
sum+= 5
return sum 

return 15

function can return another function ! 

func makeincrementer() -> (Int -> Int)
func incrementer (value : Int) -> Int 
value +=1 
return incrementer

var incremented = returnIncrementer()

A function can take another as its arguments 

func hasAnyMatches (list : int[], condition: Int -> Bool ) -> Bool 
var hasMatch  = false 
for value in list 
if condition(value)
hasMatch = true
return hasMatch

fund lessThanTen(value : Int ) -> Bool
if (value < 10)
return true
} return false

var numbers = [10,11,12]
bool match = hasAnyMatches (numbers, lessThanTen)

functions are actually a special case of closures. You can write a closure without a name by surrounding code with braces ({}). Use in to separate 
the arguments and return type from the body
(number: int) -> Int in 
let result = 3 * number 
return result


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