Monday, January 6, 2025

What are GLM ( Generalized Linear Models)

GLMs can handle a wider range of data distributions.


Generalized Linear Models (GLMs) are an extension of traditional linear regression models that can handle response variables with distributions other than the normal distribution. For example:

Binary outcomes (using logistic regression).

Count data (using Poisson regression).

Proportions (using binomial regression).

Key Advantages of GLMs:

Wider range of distributions: GLMs use a link function to relate the mean of the response variable to the linear predictor, allowing flexibility in modeling different types of data distributions.

Relaxation of linearity assumptions: GLMs allow for non-linear relationships between predictors and the response variable through the link function.

Misconceptions about the other options:

"Simpler to interpret than regression models": Not always true; the interpretation of coefficients in GLMs depends on the link function, which can make them less intuitive than traditional regression.

"Less computationally intensive": GLMs can be more computationally intensive due to their iterative fitting procedures (e.g., maximum likelihood estimation).

"Do not require the assumption of linearity": This is somewhat true in the sense that the relationship between the predictors and the response variable is modeled through a link function, but the linearity assumption still applies to the predictors in the linear predictor.

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