Saturday, May 4, 2024

What is Ollama WebUI and OpenWebUI

Ollama WebUI and Open WebUI are related projects, but they have some key differences:

Ollama WebUI (Formerly Ollama)

Predecessor: Ollama WebUI was the original project, a self-hosted web interface for interacting with various Large Language Models (LLMs) through compatible runners like Ollama.

Focus: It provided a user-friendly interface for sending prompts, receiving responses, and managing conversations with LLMs.

Status: Ollama WebUI is no longer actively maintained by the developers.

Open WebUI

Successor: Open WebUI is the successor to Ollama WebUI. It builds upon the foundation of Ollama WebUI but offers several improvements and advancements.


Supports Ollama and OpenAI-compatible APIs, expanding LLM compatibility.

Integrates with community-developed prompt presets and functionalities.

Offers enhanced security features.

Provides a more user-friendly and customizable interface.

Development: Open WebUI is actively maintained by the community, ensuring ongoing improvements and bug fixes.



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