Friday, May 31, 2024

What is BGP

Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is the postal service of the Internet. When someone drops a letter into a mailbox, the Postal Service processes that piece of mail and chooses a fast, efficient route to deliver that letter to its recipient. Similarly, when someone submits data via the Internet, BGP is responsible for looking at all of the available paths that data could travel and picking the best route, which usually means hopping between autonomous systems.

The Internet is a network of networks. It is broken up into hundreds of thousands of smaller networks known as autonomous systems (ASes). Each of these networks is essentially a large pool of routers run by a single organization.

If we continue to think of BGP as the Postal Service of the Internet, ASes are like individual post office branches. A town may have hundreds of mailboxes, but the mail in those boxes must go through the local postal branch before being routed to another destination. The internal routers within an AS are like mailboxes. They forward their outbound transmissions to the AS, which then uses BGP routing to get these transmissions to their destinations.

The diagram above illustrates a simplified version of BGP. In this version there are only six ASes on the Internet. If AS1 needs to route a packet to AS3, it has two different options:

Hopping to AS2 and then to AS3:

AS2 → AS3

Or hopping to AS6, then to AS5, AS4, and finally to AS3:

AS6 → AS5 → AS4 → AS3

In this simplified model, the decision seems straightforward. The AS2 route requires fewer hops than the AS6 route, and therefore it is the quickest, most efficient route. Now imagine that there are hundreds of thousands of ASes and that hop count is only one part of a complex route selection algorithm. That is the reality of BGP routing on the Internet.

The structure of the Internet is constantly changing, with new systems popping up and existing systems becoming unavailable. Because of this, every AS must be kept up to date with information regarding new routes as well as obsolete routes. This is done through peering sessions where each AS connects to neighboring ASes with a TCP/IP connection for the purpose of sharing routing information. Using this information, each AS is equipped to properly route outbound data transmissions coming from within.

Here is where part of our analogy falls apart. Unlike post office branches, autonomous systems are not all part of the same organization. In fact, they often belong to competing businesses. For this reason, BGP routes sometimes take business considerations into account. ASes often charge each other to carry traffic across their networks, and the price of access can be factored into which route is ultimately selected.

Who operates BGP autonomous systems?

ASes typically belong to Internet service providers (ISPs) or other large organizations, such as tech companies, universities, government agencies, and scientific institutions. Each AS wishing to exchange routing information must have a registered autonomous system number (ASN). Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) assigns ASNs to Regional Internet Registries (RIRs), which then assigns them to ISPs and networks. ASNs are 16 bit numbers between one and 65534 and 32 bit numbers between 131072 and 4294967294. As of 2018, there are approximately 64,000 ASNs in use worldwide. These ASNs are only required for external BGP.

How to secure BGP

Fortunately, some progress has been made in securing BGP. Most notably, a security framework for routing called Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) was introduced in 2008. RPKI uses cryptographically signed records called Route Origin Authorization (ROAs) to validate which network operator is allowed to announce an organization’s IP addresses using BGP. This ensures that only authorized parties are announcing an organization’s prefixes.

But RPKI’s existence alone is not enough. If large networks do not follow BGP security best practices, they can spread large-scale hijacking attacks. Currently, over 50% of the top Internet providers support RPKI to some extent, but a larger majority is needed to fully secure BGP. Network operators can protect their networks by implementing RPKI and using network alerting technology like Cloudflare Route Leak Detection. This feature helps prevent BGP hijacking attacks by letting customers know when unauthorized parties are advertising their prefixes.

Monday, May 20, 2024

Neo4J connecting from python, APOC installation, Database creation

 The screenshot below shows the Installation of APOC

the Project view appears by selecting add files to project and canceling that popup 

the python code to connect to the database is as below 

import os
from uuid import uuid4

from langchain.graphs import Neo4jGraph
import requests

url = "bolt://localhost:7687"
username = "neo4j"
password = "knowledgegraph123*"

graph = Neo4jGraph(

print("Constructed Graph Object")

url = ""
import_query = requests.get(url).json()['query']
print("import_query is ",import_query)

What is NJRAT malware

 NJRat has the ability to spread itself in a few different ways. While its primary infection vectors are phishing attacks and drive-by downloads, it also has the ability to spread itself via infected USB drives. The choice of propagation method can be set using the malware’s command and control (C2) software.

Once installed on a target system, the malware is designed to allow the attacker to remotely access and control that system.

NJRat boasts various capabilities, including:


Webcam Access

Theft of credentials stored in browsers

File uploads and downloads

Process and file manipulations

Shell command execution

Registry modification

Screen captures

Viewing the desktop of the infected computer

Theft of cryptocurrency and payment data from crypto wallet apps

NJRat also uses various techniques to evade detection on an infected system. For example, the malware will disguise itself as a critical process, making users less likely to kill it for fear of rendering their system unusable. It also actively defends itself by deactivating endpoint security software and detecting if it is running in a virtualized environment, making it more difficult for security researchers to analyze.

NJRat is also a modular malware variant with the ability to download additional code from Pastebin and similar sites. This enables the malware to expand its capabilities or to act as a dropper for other types of malware once it has established a foothold on an infected device.

Target Industries

NJRat does not target any industry in particular, attacking a wide variety of individuals and organizations. However, it was developed by Arabic speakers and is primarily used to target Arabic-speaking countries in the Middle East.

How to Protect Against NJRat Malware

Malware like NJRat can use various methods to gain access to an organization’s systems and can have a wide range of potential impacts. Some of the ways that organizations can protect themselves against NJRat and other malware include the following:

Employee Cyberawareness Training: Malware commonly uses trickery and deception to get users to install malware on their systems. Employee cybersecurity awareness training can help users to spot the warning signs of a phishing attack and respond correctly to it.

Endpoint Security: NJRat is a known and established malware variant. An endpoint security solution should be able to identify and prevent a malware infection before it poses a real risk to an organization’s systems, data, and users.

Patches and Updates: Malware commonly spreads by exploiting vulnerabilities in users’ browsers or other systems. Promptly applying patches and updates can help close these holes before the malware can exploit them.

Email Scanning: Phishing emails are one of the primary methods that NJRat uses to propagate itself. Email scanning solutions can help to identify and block emails with malicious content before they reach users’ inboxes.

Web Security: NJRat spreads via drive-by downloads, which exploit poor web security. A web security solution can identify and block malicious content before it can be downloaded to a user’s device.

Removable Media Security: NJRat is also capable of spreading itself via USB drives. Endpoint security solutions should be able to identify and block malicious content on removable media before it can infect another device.

Data Backups: NJRat can be used as a dropper for ransomware and other malware. Data backups can help to reduce the ransomware threat by ensuring that the organization can restore normal operations after the malware encrypts files.

Account Security: NJRat has the ability to perform keystroke logging and steal user credentials cached by the browser. Implementing account security best practices — such as the use of multi-factor authentication (MFA) and least privilege access controls — can make it more difficult for attackers to use these compromised credentials to achieve their goals.

What is WebGoat

WebGoat is a deliberately insecure application that allows interested developers just like you to test vulnerabilities commonly found in Java-based applications that use common and popular open source components.

WebGoat is a deliberately insecure web application developed by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP). It's designed for educational purposes to help developers and security professionals:

Understand common web application vulnerabilities: WebGoat exhibits a variety of security flaws commonly found in real-world web applications. By exploring these vulnerabilities in a controlled environment, users can learn how attackers exploit them.

Practice penetration testing techniques: WebGoat provides a safe platform to experiment with penetration testing tools and methodologies. Users can identify and exploit the vulnerabilities within the application, learning how to find and potentially fix similar issues in real deployments.

Learn about web application security principles: By understanding how WebGoat's vulnerabilities work, users gain valuable knowledge about secure coding practices, secure configuration, and other key aspects of web application security.

Key Features of WebGoat:

Variety of Vulnerabilities: WebGoat includes a wide range of vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), insecure direct object references (IDOR), session hijacking, and more.

Interactive Exercises: Each vulnerability in WebGoat is accompanied by guided exercises that help users understand its impact and how to exploit it.

Hints and Solutions: The exercises provide hints and solutions, allowing users to learn at their own pace. However, it's recommended to try to solve the exercises independently first for maximum learning benefit.

Customization: WebGoat is open-source and can be customized to include additional vulnerabilities or tailor the learning experience.

Benefits of Using WebGoat:

Hands-on Learning: WebGoat offers a practical approach to learning about web application security vulnerabilities.

Safe Environment: By practicing in a controlled environment, users can experiment with vulnerabilities without causing damage to real systems.

Improved Security Awareness: By understanding how attackers exploit vulnerabilities, developers and security professionals can take steps to prevent them in their own applications.

Who Should Use WebGoat?

Web Developers: WebGoat can help developers understand how their coding practices can introduce security vulnerabilities.

Security Professionals: Security professionals can use WebGoat to learn about penetration testing techniques and stay up-to-date on the latest web application threats.

Anyone Interested in Web Application Security: WebGoat is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about how web applications can be attacked and how to protect them.

In summary, WebGoat is a valuable tool for anyone interested in learning about web application security. By providing a safe and interactive environment to experiment with vulnerabilities, WebGoat helps users develop the knowledge and skills they need to build secure web applications.


Wednesday, May 15, 2024

What does astream method in Langchain do?

 The astream method in LangChain Workflow is used for asynchronous streaming of data throughout the workflow execution. It allows you to process and potentially modify data incrementally as it becomes available, rather than waiting for the entire data to be processed at once. This can be particularly beneficial for:

Large datasets: When dealing with large datasets, waiting for the entire data to be processed before starting the next step can be inefficient. Astream allows you to process data in chunks, improving performance and memory usage.

Real-time processing: In scenarios where data is generated or received continuously (e.g., chatbots, sensor data streams), astream enables real-time processing of the data as it arrives.

Intermediate results: If your workflow involves generating intermediate results that can be used by subsequent steps, astream allows you to make these results available as soon as they are computed.

Here's a breakdown of the two primary implementations of astream in LangChain workflows:

async for loop (asynchronous iterator):

This approach utilizes an async for loop to iterate over an asynchronous iterable object (like a generator function or an object with an async iterator).

Within the loop, you can process each element of the data stream as it becomes available.


You can chain promises together to handle asynchronous operations and data processing in a sequential manner. Each promise in the chain represents the processing of a data chunk.

Here are some key points to remember about astream:

It's primarily used with asynchronous agents within LangChain workflows. These agents are designed to handle asynchronous tasks and data streams.

The astream method returns an asynchronous iterator, allowing you to iterate over the data stream element by element.

LangChain provides helper functions like stream (synchronous) and astream_events (for richer event information) alongside astream for different streaming use cases.

Benefits of using astream:

Improved performance, especially for large datasets or real-time processing.

Efficient memory usage by avoiding loading the entire data at once.

Ability to leverage intermediate results for further processing.

What are various types of Graphs other than StateGraph in langchain

LangChain offers several other graph types besides StateGraph, each suited for different use cases:


Purpose: Designed specifically for working with chatbots and conversational interfaces.


Nodes represent conversation states or message processing steps.

Edges connect states based on user input or system actions.

Often used with LangChain chat models that handle user interactions and generate responses.


Purpose: Represents tasks or actions with dependencies between them.


Nodes represent individual tasks or actions.

Edges define dependencies, where one task must be completed before another can start.

Useful for modeling workflows, task execution sequences, or processes with pre-requisites.


Purpose: Captures the flow of data between processing steps.


Nodes represent data processing steps or functions.

Edges represent the flow of data between nodes, specifying how data is transformed or passed along.

Useful for building data pipelines, machine learning workflows, or any scenario where data is processed and transformed across multiple steps.


Purpose: Represents a set of possible states or options.


Nodes represent individual states or options within the enumeration.

Edges can be used to define relationships between states (e.g., transitions, hierarchies).

Useful for modeling choices, decision points, or state machines with a finite set of options.

Customizable Graph Types:

Concept: LangChain allows you to define custom graph types tailored to your specific needs.

Implementation: You can create custom node and edge types along with their functionalities to model complex relationships and behaviors within your LangChain application.

Choosing the Right Graph Type:

The selection of the appropriate graph type depends on your application's requirements. Here's a quick guide:

State-based interactions: Use StateGraph or EnumGraph for applications that involve navigating through different states based on user input or conditions.

Conversational interfaces: MessageGraph is ideal for building chatbots and conversational experiences.

Task dependencies: DependencyGraph is suitable for modeling workflows or task execution sequences with pre-requisites.

Data processing pipelines: DataFlowGraph helps visualize and manage the flow of data between processing steps.

Complex scenarios: Explore custom graph types for unique requirements where existing options don't perfectly fit your needs.

Remember to consult the LangChain documentation for detailed information on each graph type, its functionalities, and code examples to help you get started with building your LangChain applications.

What would be a simple tool

from langchain_core.messages import HumanMessage, ToolMessage

from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI

llm = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-3.5-turbo-0125")

from import tool


def add(a: int, b: int) -> int:

    """Adds a and b.


        a: first int

        b: second int


    return a + b


def multiply(a: int, b: int) -> int:

    """Multiplies a and b.


        a: first int

        b: second int


    return a * b


def ssh_tool(un:str, pwd:str) -> 

print ("About to add the tools")

tools = [add, multiply]

llm_with_tools = llm.bind_tools(tools)

print("Tools are bound with the LLM")

messages = [HumanMessage("How much is 3 & 300 added upto?")]

print("Message created invoking LLM with the tools")

ai_msg = llm_with_tools.invoke(messages)

print("Tool invoked and got the response as ai")


for tool_call in ai_msg.tool_calls:

    selected_tool = {"add": add, "multiply": multiply}[tool_call["name"].lower()]

    tool_output = selected_tool.invoke(tool_call["args"])

    print("tool_output is ",tool_output)

    messages.append(ToolMessage(tool_output, tool_call_id=tool_call["id"]))

print("Total messages retrieved are ", messages)


Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Defining Custom Tools in Langchain

When constructing your own agent, you will need to provide it with a list of Tools that it can use. Besides the actual function that is called, the Tool consists of several components:

name (str), is required and must be unique within a set of tools provided to an agent

description (str), is optional but recommended, as it is used by an agent to determine tool use

args_schema (Pydantic BaseModel), is optional but recommended, can be used to provide more information (e.g., few-shot examples) or validation for expected parameters.

# Import things that are needed generically

from langchain.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel, Field

from import BaseTool, StructuredTool, tool

from typing import Optional, Type

from langchain.callbacks.manager import (




class SearchInput(BaseModel):

    query: str = Field(description="should be a search query")

class CalculatorInput(BaseModel):

    a: int = Field(description="first number")

    b: int = Field(description="second number")

class CustomSearchTool(BaseTool):

    name = "custom_search"

    description = "useful for when you need to answer questions about current events"

    args_schema: Type[BaseModel] = SearchInput

    def _run(

        self, query: str, run_manager: Optional[CallbackManagerForToolRun] = None

    ) -> str:

        """Use the tool."""

        return "LangChain"

    async def _arun(

        self, query: str, run_manager: Optional[AsyncCallbackManagerForToolRun] = None

    ) -> str:

        """Use the tool asynchronously."""

        raise NotImplementedError("custom_search does not support async")

class CustomCalculatorTool(BaseTool):

    name = "Calculator"

    description = "useful for when you need to answer questions about math"

    args_schema: Type[BaseModel] = CalculatorInput

    return_direct: bool = True

    def _run(

        self, a: int, b: int, run_manager: Optional[CallbackManagerForToolRun] = None

    ) -> str:

        """Use the tool."""

        return a * b

    async def _arun(


        a: int,

        b: int,

        run_manager: Optional[AsyncCallbackManagerForToolRun] = None,

    ) -> str:

        """Use the tool asynchronously."""

        raise NotImplementedError("Calculator does not support async")

Is langchain Pipeline definition a tuple ?


       {"context": itemgetter("question") 

    | retriever, "question": itemgetter("question")}

    | RunnablePassthrough.assign(context=itemgetter("context"))

    | {"response": rag_prompt | openai_chat_model, "context": itemgetter("context")}


is not a standard Python tuple. Here's why:

Tuples: Tuples in Python are immutable ordered sequences of elements. They are enclosed in parentheses (). Elements within a tuple can be of any data type, including strings, numbers, lists, or even other tuples.

Langchain Pipeline Definition: This expression appears to be a Langchain pipeline definition. Langchain uses a custom syntax to define processing steps for tasks like question answering.

Explanation of the Expression:

This code defines a series of steps likely used for processing questions and generating answers. Here's a breakdown:

It uses pipe operators (|) to connect processing steps.

It uses dictionaries to define key-value pairs for data elements like "context" and "question."

It references components like retriever, rag_prompt, and openai_chat_model, which are likely Langchain components for retrieving information, generating prompts, and using an OpenAI model, respectively.

Similarities to Tuples:

While not a standard tuple, this expression shares some similarities:

It's enclosed in parentheses, similar to tuple syntax.

It might have an implicit order to the processing steps defined within it.

Key Differences:

Tuples are data containers, while this expression defines a processing pipeline.

Tuples are immutable, while Langchain pipelines might involve mutable data manipulations during processing.

If you're unsure whether something is a tuple in Python, you can always use the isinstance function:


my_data = (1, 2, 3)

is_tuple = isinstance(my_data, tuple)

print(is_tuple)  # Output: True

Use code with caution.


This code checks if my_data is an instance of the tuple class.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

What is create_structured_output_runnable in Langchain

In Langchain, the create_structured_output_runnable function is used to create a processing unit or "runnable" that specifically focuses on extracting structured outputs from data passed through it. Here's a detailed explanation of its purpose and functionalities:


This function simplifies the process of building Langchain applications that require extracting structured information from various inputs.

It allows you to define a schema (data structure) for the desired output and configure how the LLM (Large Language Model) or other processing tools should generate the structured data.

Key Arguments:

output_schema: This argument defines the structure of the expected output data. You can specify it in two ways:

Dictionary: A Python dictionary outlining the desired key-value pairs for the output.

Pydantic BaseModel: A Pydantic BaseModel class that defines the data structure with type annotations and optional validation logic. (Pydantic is a popular Python library for data validation and serialization.)

llm (or other Runnable): This argument specifies the Langchain "runnable" that will be used to process the input data and generate the structured output. It can be:

An LLM (Large Language Model) capable of understanding the prompt and instructions to extract the structured data.

Another Langchain Runnable that performs the necessary processing steps.

prompt (Optional): This argument is a string that provides instructions and context for the LLM or processing tool. It should guide the model on how to extract the desired structured information from the input data.

Benefits of using create_structured_output_runnable:

Abstraction: It simplifies the process of building structured output extraction workflows by hiding the underlying complexities of data manipulation within the Langchain framework.

Flexibility: It allows you to define the output schema using either dictionaries or Pydantic BaseModels, catering to different developer preferences and use cases. (Pydantic BaseModels offer additional benefits like data validation and type annotations.)

Integration: It seamlessly integrates with other Langchain runnables and tools, enabling the creation of complex data processing pipelines.

Here are some additional points to consider:

Output Parsing (Optional): In some cases, the generated output from the LLM might require additional parsing to match the desired schema. create_structured_output_runnable can handle basic parsing based on the output type (e.g., JSON). For complex parsing needs, you might need to implement custom logic within your Langchain application.

Error Handling: It's essential to implement proper error handling mechanisms to catch potential issues during the structured output extraction process.

By using create_structured_output_runnable, you can streamline the development of Langchain applications that require extracting structured information from various data sources, making your data processing workflows more efficient and reliable.



What would be a simple Langchain Tool calling

from langchain import hub

from langchain.agents import AgentExecutor, create_openai_functions_agent

from import TavilySearchResults

from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI

tools = [TavilySearchResults(max_results=1)]

# Get the prompt to use - you can modify this!

prompt = hub.pull("hwchase17/openai-functions-agent")


# Choose the LLM that will drive the agent

llm = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-3.5-turbo-1106")

# Construct the OpenAI Functions agent

agent = create_openai_functions_agent(llm, tools, prompt)

# Create an agent executor by passing in the agent and tools

agent_executor = AgentExecutor(agent=agent, tools=tools, verbose=True)

agent_executor.invoke({"input": "what is LangChain?"})

from langchain_core.messages import AIMessage, HumanMessage



        "input": "what's my name?",

        "chat_history": [

            HumanMessage(content="hi! my name is bob"),

            AIMessage(content="Hello Bob! How can I assist you today?"),




from langchain_core.messages import AIMessage, HumanMessage



        "input": "what's my name?",

        "chat_history": [

            HumanMessage(content="hi! my name is bob"),

            AIMessage(content="Hello Bob! How can I assist you today?"),





What is OpenAI function calling?

 The OpenAI Function API allows you to extend the capabilities of large language models (LLMs) like GPT-3 beyond simple text generation. It enables you to define and call functions within these models, allowing them to perform more complex tasks and interact with external data sources.

Here's a breakdown of the key concepts:

Traditional LLM Functionalities:

LLMs are typically used for tasks like text generation, translation, and question answering.

They process and generate text based on the information they've been trained on.

OpenAI Function API:

This API introduces the concept of "functions" within LLMs.

You can define functions that involve:

Accessing and processing information from various sources (text, code, data structures).

Performing calculations or manipulations on the data.

Calling other functions for modularity.

Benefits of OpenAI Function API:

Enhanced Capabilities: LLMs can perform more complex tasks by leveraging functions.

Structured Approach: Function definitions promote code-like logic within the LLM, improving efficiency and maintainability.

Data Integration: Functions can access and process external data, enabling the LLM to interact with the real world.

Using the OpenAI Function API:

Function Definition: You define functions within the LLM using special syntax or a dedicated interface.

Prompt Design: Craft a prompt for the LLM that includes:

The overall context for the task.

Placeholders for user input.

Instructions on how to utilize the defined functions.

Data and Prompt Input: You provide data relevant to the task and the prompt to the LLM.

Function Execution: The LLM processes the input, executes the relevant functions, and generates the desired output.

Here are some resources for further exploration:

OpenAI Function API Documentation (Limited Access): (requires an OpenAI API key)

Langchain Function API Integration (if applicable): Langchain, a machine learning framework, offers functionalities to interact with the OpenAI Function API through its create_openai_functions_agent function (

Limitations to Consider:

Model Support: Not all LLMs currently support the OpenAI Function API. Ensure your chosen model has this functionality.

Function Definition: Defining clear and efficient functions is crucial for successful results.

Prompt Design: Crafting a well-structured prompt that effectively guides the LLM in using the functions is essential.

Overall, the OpenAI Function API opens doors for creating more powerful and versatile LLM applications by enabling them to handle complex tasks and interact with the world beyond simple text generation.

Life Cycle of plan and execute task


This compares to a typical ReAct style agent where you think one step at a time. The advantages of this "plan-and-execute" style agent are:

Explicit long term planning (which even really strong LLMs can struggle with)
Ability to use smaller/weaker models for the execution step, only using larger/better models for the planning step

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

What is Tavily Search

Tavily Search is a search engine specifically designed for large language models (LLMs) and reinforcement learning models (RAGs). It aims to provide these models with real-time, accurate, and factual search results through an API. Here's a breakdown of its key features:

Focus on LLMs and RAGs:

Tavily Search is optimized to deliver search results that are compatible with the way LLMs and RAGs process information. This ensures the models receive relevant and usable data for tasks like question answering, text generation, and summarization.

Real-time Results:

Tavily Search strives to return results with minimal latency, allowing LLMs and RAGs to access information quickly and efficiently. This is crucial for maintaining a smooth user experience in applications powered by these models.

Accurate and Factual Information:

Tavily Search utilizes advanced algorithms and models to gather information from trusted sources. This helps minimize bias and misinformation in the results provided to LLMs and RAGs.

Benefits of Using Tavily Search:

Improved LLM/RAG Performance: By providing accurate and relevant search results, Tavily Search can enhance the performance of LLMs and RAGs in various tasks.

Reduced Bias: The focus on trusted sources helps mitigate potential biases that might be present in general-purpose search engines.

Faster Response Times: Real-time results minimize delays and improve the overall responsiveness of LLM/RAG-powered applications.

Potential Use Cases:

Question Answering Systems: Tavily Search can be integrated with question answering systems to provide LLMs with access to relevant information for generating accurate responses.

Text Summarization Tools: LLMs can leverage Tavily Search results to gather comprehensive information for creating concise and informative summaries of various topics.

Chatbots and Virtual Assistants: Integrating Tavily Search can enable chatbots and virtual assistants to deliver factual and up-to-date information to users.

Alternatives to Tavily Search:

Traditional Search Engines (Google, Bing): While widely used, these engines might not be optimized for LLMs and might return results that are not directly usable by the models.

Custom Search APIs: Developers can build their own search APIs tailored for LLMs, but this requires significant development effort and expertise.

Overall, Tavily Search provides a valuable tool for developers working with LLMs and RAGs by offering a specialized search solution that caters to the specific needs of these models.



What is MessageGraph in LangGraph?

MessageGraph in Langrain is a pre-configured version of the core Langraph graph specifically designed for building conversational AI agents. It simplifies the process of defining message flows and interactions within your agent by providing a message-centric approach.

Here's a breakdown of how MessageGraph works:


State: MessageGraph uses a single state object, typically an array of messages that represent the conversation history. Each message object can contain information like the user's input, the agent's response, and any additional context data.

Nodes: MessageGraph includes pre-defined nodes that handle different aspects of conversation flow, such as:

Oracle Node: This node interacts with a large language model (LLM) like GPT-3 or Jurassic-1 Jumbo to generate the agent's response based on the current conversation state.

Input Processing Nodes: These nodes might handle tasks like pre-processing user input (e.g., removing punctuation, stemming words).

Output Formatting Nodes: These nodes can format the agent's response before sending it back to the user (e.g., adding greetings, emojis).

Conditional Branching Nodes: These nodes allow for branching logic based on specific keywords or patterns in the conversation history.

Benefits of MessageGraph:

Simplicity: MessageGraph offers a more concise way to define conversation flows compared to building a Langraph from scratch. You focus on message processing and agent behavior without managing the low-level details of state management.

Focus on Conversation Logic: It allows you to concentrate on defining the decision-making logic and message flow within your agent.

Readability: The message-centric approach can improve the readability and maintainability of your conversational AI code.

When to Use MessageGraph:

Chatbots and Virtual Assistants: If you're building a chatbot or virtual assistant that interacts with users through text-based conversations, MessageGraph is a good choice. It provides a structured and efficient way to define conversation flows and message handling.

Simple Conversational Interfaces: For projects where you need a basic conversational interface with a single LLM for response generation, MessageGraph can be a suitable starting point.

Things to Consider:

Limited Flexibility: While MessageGraph simplifies development, it may offer less flexibility compared to a fully customizable Langraph. If you need complex conversation logic or require interaction with external services beyond the LLM, a custom Langraph might be necessary.

State Management: MessageGraph uses a single state object (conversation history). For more complex scenarios requiring additional state management, you might need to extend the MessageGraph or build a custom Langraph.

In conclusion, MessageGraph is a valuable tool within Langchain for building conversational AI agents. It streamlines the development process by focusing on message flows and simplifies state management. However, for highly complex conversational interfaces or scenarios requiring more control over the workflow, a custom Langraph approach might be more suitable.

Why LangGraph?

LangGraph is framework agnostic (each node is a regular python function). It extends the core Runnable API (shared interface for streaming, async, and batch calls) to make it easy to:

Seamless state management across multiple turns of conversation or tool usage

The ability to flexibly route between nodes based on dynamic criteria

Smooth switching between LLMs and human intervention

Persistence for long-running, multi-session applications

If you're building a straightforward DAG, Runnables are a great fit. But for more complex, stateful applications with nonlinear flows, LangGraph is the perfect tool for the job.


Independent Units: Runnables are self-contained functions or code blocks that perform specific tasks. They typically don't rely on external state or interact with other Runnables directly.

Simple Actions: Use Runnables for well-defined, atomic actions like:

Data processing steps within a larger workflow.

Calling external APIs or services.

Performing calculations or transformations on data.

Reusable Components: Runnables can be reused across different Langraphs, promoting modularity and code maintainability.


Workflow Orchestration: Langgraph acts as an orchestration engine that defines the overall flow of execution. It connects different Runnables, manages data flow between them, and handles decision-making logic.

Complex Workflows: Use Langgraph to build multi-step workflows involving multiple Runnables, conditional branching, and state management. It provides a structured way to chain actions and manage dependencies.

State Management: Langgraph allows you to manage and pass data (state) between different stages of your workflow. This facilitates communication and data sharing between Runnables.

Choosing the Right Tool:

Here's a simple guideline to help you decide:

If you have a single, well-defined task, use a Runnable.

If you need to chain multiple tasks, manage data flow, or handle decision logic within a complex workflow, use Langraph.



Langgraph Building a Basic Chatbot

Part 1: Build a Basic Chatbot

Start by creating a StateGraph. A StateGraph object defines the structure of our chatbot as a "state machine". We'll add nodes to represent the llm and functions our chatbot can call and edges to specify how the bot should transition between these functions.

defined our State as a TypedDict with a single key: messages. The messages key is annotated with the add_messages function, which tells LangGraph to append new messages to the existing list, rather than overwriting it.

So now our graph knows two things:

Every node we define will receive the current State as input and return a value that updates that state.

messages will be appended to the current list, rather than directly overwritten. This is communicated via the prebuilt add_messages function in the Annotated syntax.

from langchain_anthropic import ChatAnthropic

llm = ChatAnthropic(model="claude-3-haiku-20240307")

def chatbot(state: State):

    return {"messages": [llm.invoke(state["messages"])]}

# The first argument is the unique node name

# The second argument is the function or object that will be called whenever

# the node is used.

graph_builder.add_node("chatbot", chatbot)

add an entry point. This tells our graph where to start its work each time we run it.


Similarly, set a finish point. This instructs the graph "any time this node is run, you can exit."


Finally, we'll want to be able to run our graph. To do so, call "compile()" on the graph builder. This creates a "CompiledGraph" we can use invoke on our state.

graph = graph_builder.compile()

You can visualize the graph using the get_graph method and one of the "draw" methods, like draw_ascii or draw_png. The draw methods each require additional dependencies.

from IPython.display import Image, display




    # This requires some extra dependencies and is optional


You can exit the chat loop at any time by typing "quit", "exit", or "q".

while True:

    user_input = input("User: ")

    if user_input.lower() in ["quit", "exit", "q"]:



    for event in{"messages": ("user", user_input)}):

        for value in event.values():

            print("Assistant:", value["messages"][-1].content)


Monday, May 6, 2024

Docker terminal how to have python logs printed.

Here's how to configure a Python logger to output messages to the Docker container's logs, which you can view using docker logs or through the docker-compose up window:

1. Python Logging Setup:

Import the logging module:


import logging

Use code with caution.


Create a logger instance with a descriptive name for your application:


logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

Use code with caution.


Set the desired logging level (e.g., DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR):


logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)  # Adjust level as needed

Use code with caution.


Create a handler to send logs to stdout:


handler = logging.StreamHandler()

Use code with caution.


2. Docker Logging Configuration (Optional):

While not strictly necessary, you can optionally add a line to your Dockerfile to instruct Docker to send container logs to stdout by default:


COPY requirements.txt .

RUN pip install -r requirements.txt

CMD [ "python", "-u", "" ]  # Use -u for unbuffered output

Use code with caution.


The -u flag with python forces unbuffered output, ensuring logs are flushed immediately and captured by Docker.

3. Logging Messages:

Use the logger instance to log messages at the appropriate level:


logger.debug("Starting application")"Processing data...")

logger.warning("Potential issue encountered")

logger.error("An error occurred!")

Use code with caution.


Viewing Logs:

Once your application runs within a Docker container, view the logs using:

docker logs <container_name> (replace with your container name)

docker-compose logs (if using Docker Compose)

Additional Considerations:

You can customize log formatting using logging.Formatter classes and configure multiple handlers (e.g., file logging) if needed. Refer to the Python logging documentation for more details:

Remember to adjust the logging level based on your needs. Higher levels (e.g., WARNING, ERROR) will only capture more critical messages.

By following these steps, your Python application's log messages should be streamed to stdout within the Docker container, allowing you to view them using docker logs or through your Docker compose environment.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

What's WingLang Programming languages

WingLang is a relatively new open-source programming language designed specifically for building applications on the cloud. Here's a breakdown of its key characteristics:

Cloud-Oriented Design:

WingLang focuses on simplifying cloud development by unifying infrastructure and application code within a single language.

It allows you to define both the infrastructure components (like virtual machines, databases) and the application logic using WingLang code.

Benefits of Cloud-Oriented Approach:

Improved Developer Experience: WingLang aims to streamline cloud development by eliminating the need to switch between different languages for infrastructure and application code.

Reduced Complexity: By unifying the codebase, WingLang potentially reduces the complexity of managing and maintaining cloud applications.

Enhanced Integration: Simplifies the way cloud services are integrated into your application logic.

Features of WingLang:

Statically Typed: WingLang is a statically typed language, which can help catch errors early in the development process.

Simple Syntax: It adopts a syntax inspired by modern languages like TypeScript, JavaScript, and Swift, making it easier to learn for developers familiar with these languages.

Interoperability: WingLang code can interoperate with existing NPM modules, CDK constructs, and Terraform providers.

Local Development: Offers a local cloud simulator for testing and debugging applications without requiring an internet connection.

Cloud Agnostic: WingLang applications are portable across different cloud providers, promoting flexibility in deployment options.

What is Back-end Development: Web Service using Tornado

 Back-end Development: Web Service using Tornado

Tornado is a powerful Python web framework well-suited for building high-performance, asynchronous web services. Here's an overview of using Tornado for back-end development:

Key Features of Tornado:

Asynchronous Programming: Tornado leverages non-blocking I/O, allowing a single process to handle many connections concurrently. This makes it ideal for applications that require real-time communication or handling a high volume of requests.

High Performance: Tornado is known for its efficient handling of concurrent connections, leading to faster response times and better scalability compared to traditional frameworks.

WebSockets and Real-time Communication: Tornado provides built-in support for WebSockets, enabling real-time, two-way communication between a web browser and your server.

Simple and Flexible API: Tornado offers a clean and well-documented API, making it easy to learn and use. It allows for granular control over different aspects of your web service.

Building a Web Service with Tornado:

Here's a basic structure for building a web service using Tornado:

Define Handlers:

Create Python classes that inherit from tornado.web.RequestHandler. These classes represent handlers for specific HTTP requests (GET, POST, PUT, etc.).

In the handler methods (e.g., get, post), define the logic for processing incoming requests and generating responses.

Route Requests:

Use the tornado.web.Application class to define routes that map URLs to specific handler classes.

Start the Server:

Instantiate an Application object and pass it the defined routes.

Use Application.listen(port) to start the server and listen for incoming connections on a specific port.

Here's an example illustrating a simple Hello World web service:


import tornado.web

class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):

  def get(self):

    self.write("Hello, World!")

application = tornado.web.Application([

  (r"/", MainHandler),


if __name__ == "__main__":


  print("Server listening on port 8888")


Use code with caution.


Benefits of using Tornado:

Scalability: Handles high volumes of concurrent connections efficiently.

Performance: Non-blocking I/O leads to faster response times.

Real-time Communication: Supports WebSockets for real-time interaction.

Simplicity: Easy to learn and use with a clean API.

Flexibility: Offers granular control over your web service logic.

Additional Considerations:

Tornado is well-suited for building APIs or real-time services.

It may require a different approach compared to traditional frameworks with synchronous I/O.

Consider using asynchronous libraries like asyncio for more complex asynchronous logic.

What is PyWebIO and Panel framework in python

 Here's a breakdown of PyWebIO and Panel framework in Python for web development:


Low-code Web Framework: PyWebIO is a low-code Python framework that allows you to create web applications with minimal coding compared to traditional frameworks like Django or Flask.

Focus: It emphasizes simplicity and ease of use. You can define the UI elements and their interactions using Python functions and classes.


Built-in UI components: PyWebIO provides basic UI elements like buttons, text inputs, dropdowns, and more.

Interactive elements: You can create interactive web applications with functionalities like event handling, form submission, and data visualization (limited options).

Simple deployment: PyWebIO applications can be run directly with a single line of code, making deployment straightforward.

Use Cases: PyWebIO is ideal for rapidly prototyping web applications, creating simple internal tools, or building interactive dashboards with basic visualizations.

Panel framework:

High-level Declarative Framework: Panel is a high-level declarative framework built on top of HoloViz for creating interactive data visualizations in Python.

Focus: It provides a powerful and expressive way to define data visualizations using Python code.


Rich visualization library: Panel integrates seamlessly with HoloViz, offering a wide range of visualization components like line charts, histograms, scatter plots, and more.

Declarative approach: You define the layout and interactions of your visualizations declaratively, making the code concise and readable.

Interactivity: Panel supports interactive features like zooming, panning, brushing, and linking between multiple visualizations.

Integration with other frameworks: Panel can be integrated with other web frameworks like Flask or Bokeh for building full-fledged web applications.

Use Cases: Panel excels at creating interactive and complex data visualizations for various domains like science, finance, and machine learning. It's a good choice when the primary focus is on rich visual exploration of your data.

What is Ollama WebUI and OpenWebUI

Ollama WebUI and Open WebUI are related projects, but they have some key differences:

Ollama WebUI (Formerly Ollama)

Predecessor: Ollama WebUI was the original project, a self-hosted web interface for interacting with various Large Language Models (LLMs) through compatible runners like Ollama.

Focus: It provided a user-friendly interface for sending prompts, receiving responses, and managing conversations with LLMs.

Status: Ollama WebUI is no longer actively maintained by the developers.

Open WebUI

Successor: Open WebUI is the successor to Ollama WebUI. It builds upon the foundation of Ollama WebUI but offers several improvements and advancements.


Supports Ollama and OpenAI-compatible APIs, expanding LLM compatibility.

Integrates with community-developed prompt presets and functionalities.

Offers enhanced security features.

Provides a more user-friendly and customizable interface.

Development: Open WebUI is actively maintained by the community, ensuring ongoing improvements and bug fixes.



Wednesday, May 1, 2024

How sADR a semi supervised anomaly detection approach works

sADR, which likely stands for Semi-Supervised Anomaly Detection, is an approach that leverages both labeled and unlabeled data for anomaly detection. Here's a breakdown of how it works:

Challenges of Anomaly Detection:

Traditional anomaly detection methods typically rely on unsupervised learning, where the training data only consists of normal examples. This can be challenging because defining "normal" behavior can be subjective, and the model might not generalize well to unseen anomalies.

Benefits of Semi-Supervised Learning:

sADR incorporates a small set of labeled data points, including both normal and anomalous examples. This labeled data provides valuable guidance for the model to learn the characteristics that differentiate normal and abnormal behavior.

The large amount of unlabeled data (typically normal) allows the model to capture the broader distribution of normal system behavior.

Core Techniques used in sADR:

Distance-based Anomaly Detection: This approach measures the distance (dissimilarity) between a new data point and the existing data points (labeled or unlabeled) it has learned from. Points far away from the majority of data points in the high-dimensional feature space are considered potential anomalies.

Clustering: The unlabeled data can be used for clustering, where similar data points are grouped together. Outliers or data points that don't fit well into any established cluster might be flagged as anomalies.

Information Theory based Approaches: Some sADR methods leverage information theory concepts. The idea is that the entropy (measure of uncertainty) of the latent distribution underlying normal data should be lower than the entropy of the anomalous data distribution. This helps identify data points with higher uncertainty (anomalous) compared to the well-understood normal behavior.

Here's a simplified workflow of sADR:

Data Preparation: A small set of labeled data (normal and anomalous) is prepared along with a large volume of unlabeled data (assumed to be mostly normal).

Model Training: The chosen sADR technique (distance-based, clustering, information theory) is used to train the model on the labeled and unlabeled data. The model learns the characteristics of normal data and the differentiating factors for anomalies based on the labeled examples.

Anomaly Scoring: New data points are presented to the trained model. The model assigns an anomaly score based on their distance to normal data points, cluster membership (if clustering is used), or the estimated entropy of the underlying distribution.

Anomaly Thresholding: A threshold is set to distinguish between normal and anomalous data points. Examples exceeding the anomaly score threshold are flagged as potential anomalies.

Benefits of sADR:

Improved Accuracy: Leveraging labeled data can enhance the accuracy of anomaly detection compared to purely unsupervised methods.

Reduced Labeling Effort: sADR requires a smaller amount of labeled data compared to fully supervised learning approaches.

Challenges of sADR:

Quality of Labeled Data: The effectiveness of sADR heavily relies on the quality and representativeness of the labeled data. Poorly labeled data can mislead the model.

Choice of Technique: The appropriate sADR technique (distance-based, clustering, etc.) depends on the specific data characteristics and desired outcome.

In conclusion, sADR offers a valuable approach for anomaly detection by combining the strengths of labeled and unlabeled data. By leveraging a small set of labeled examples and a large volume of unlabeled data, sADR can effectively identify anomalies in various applications.

How Instant Mining Establishes a consistent and invariant template patterns from the console logs to identify abnormal behaviours that repeatedly occur against the explored patterns

 Instant mining can help establish consistent and invariant template patterns from console logs to identify abnormal behaviors in a few ways:

1. Real-time Pattern Discovery:

Streaming analytics tools used in instant mining can continuously analyze incoming log data and identify recurring patterns. These patterns might represent common system events, user actions, or application functionalities reflected in the logs.

By analyzing large volumes of data in real-time, instant mining can discover these patterns much faster than traditional batch analysis methods.

2. Statistical Analysis of Patterns:

Once patterns are identified, instant mining techniques can perform statistical analysis on them. This might involve calculating metrics like frequency of occurrence, average values for specific log fields, or variations within the pattern.

These statistics help establish a baseline for what's considered "normal" behavior within each identified pattern.

3. Anomaly Detection using baselines:

With the established baselines for each pattern (frequency, values, variations), instant mining can continuously monitor the log stream for deviations from these baselines. Significant deviations from the expected pattern statistics might indicate abnormal behavior.

Machine learning models can also be trained on the historical patterns and their statistical properties to automatically detect anomalies in real-time.

Here's a breakdown of the process:

Instant mining continuously analyzes logs: The streaming analytics engine processes logs as they're generated.

Pattern discovery: Recurring patterns in log messages are identified.

Statistical analysis of patterns: Metrics are calculated to establish baselines for each pattern's normal behavior.

Real-time anomaly detection: Deviations from the baselines (frequency, values) are flagged as potential anomalies.

Alerting or further investigation: Alerts can be triggered or notifications sent for further investigation of these potential abnormal behaviors.

Benefits of using Instant Mining for Anomaly Detection:

Faster identification of anomalies: Deviations from normal patterns are detected in real-time, allowing for quicker response to potential issues.

Adaptability to changing patterns: Instant mining can continuously update baselines as new patterns emerge or existing patterns evolve over time.

Reduced false positives: Statistical analysis helps differentiate between minor variations and significant deviations, reducing false alarms.


Fine-tuning anomaly detection: Setting appropriate thresholds for anomaly detection requires balancing sensitivity (catching anomalies) with specificity (avoiding false positives).

Alert fatigue: Too many alerts can overwhelm administrators. It's crucial to prioritize alerts based on severity and context.

In conclusion, instant mining plays a valuable role in establishing consistent log template patterns and identifying abnormal behaviors in real-time. By continuously analyzing log streams and statistically characterizing patterns, instant mining helps detect deviations that might indicate potential problems within your system.

How PCA helps in Transforming high dimensional log data into a lower-dimensional space inorder to capture the pattern of log template frequency

Here's how Principal Component Analysis (PCA) can help transform high-dimensional log data into a lower-dimensional space to capture log template frequency patterns:

Challenges of High-Dimensional Log Data:

Curse of Dimensionality: When dealing with high-dimensional data (many log features), traditional analysis methods can become inefficient. This is known as the "curse of dimensionality."

Log Feature Redundancy: Log data often contains redundant information, leading to features that might be highly correlated.

Benefits of PCA for Log Analysis:

Dimensionality Reduction: PCA helps reduce the number of features (dimensions) in your log data while retaining most of the important information. This simplifies analysis and visualization.

Identifying Log Template Frequency: By focusing on the most significant principal components, PCA can highlight patterns related to the frequency of different log templates.

Here's a breakdown of how PCA works in this context:

Preprocessing: The log data is preprocessed (cleaning, normalization) to ensure features are on a similar scale.

Covariance Matrix: PCA calculates the covariance matrix, which captures the relationships between different log features.

Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors: The covariance matrix is decomposed to identify eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Eigenvalues represent the variance explained by each component, and eigenvectors represent the directions of greatest variance.

Principal Components: Based on the eigenvalues, PCA selects a smaller set of principal components (PCs) that capture the most significant variation in the data. These PCs represent compressed versions of the original features.

Log Template Frequency Patterns: By analyzing the top principal components, you can identify patterns related to the frequency of different log templates. Features highly correlated with specific templates will have a stronger influence on the corresponding principal components. Techniques like clustering or anomaly detection can then be applied on the reduced-dimension data to further explore log template patterns.

Limitations of PCA:

Loss of Information: While dimensionality reduction is beneficial, it involves some loss of information. Selecting the optimal number of principal components involves a trade-off between capturing variance and retaining details.

Linear Relationships: PCA assumes primarily linear relationships between features. If log data has complex non-linear relationships, PCA might not be the most suitable technique.

In conclusion, PCA offers a valuable tool for analyzing high-dimensional log data. By reducing dimensionality and focusing on principal components, you can identify patterns related to the frequency of various log templates, enabling better understanding of system behavior and potential issues.