Monday, September 10, 2018

What are the libraries usually required for VoIP SDK integration?

Once you've downloaded and unpacked the framework, navigate to your Xcode project's General settings page. Drag and drop VoIPSDK.framework onto the Embedded Binaries section. Ensure that "Copy items if needed" is checked and press Finish. This will add VoIPSDK.framework to both the Embedded Binaries and Linked Frameworks and Libraries sections.

Next, you will need to open your project's Linked Frameworks and Libraries configuration. You should see the VoIPSDK.framework there already. Add the following frameworks to that list:

In your Build Settings, you will also need to modify "Other Linker Flags" to include -ObjC.

Before distributing your app to the  App Store, you will need to strip the simulator binaries from the embedded framework. Navigate to your target's Build Phases screen and create a new "Run Script Phase". Ensure that this new run script phase is after the Embed Frameworks phase. Paste the following command in the script text field:

/bin/bash "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${FRAMEWORKS_FOLDER_PATH}/VoIPSDK.framework/remove_archs"

Background Modes

To allow a connection to a Room to be persisted while an application is running in the background, you must select the Audio, AirPlay, and Picture in Picture background mode from the Capabilities project settings page.

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