The projects you create for Apple Watch consist of two separate bundles: a Watch app and a WatchKit extension. The Watch app bundle contains the storyboards and resource files associated with all of your app’s user interfaces. The WatchKit extension bundle contains the extension delegate and the controllers for managing those interfaces and for responding to user interactions. While these bundles are distributed inside an iOS app, they are then installed on the user’s Apple Watch and run locally on the watch.
A watchOS project must include a watch app, but may also include a glance, custom notifications, and complications. Each of these provide unique way for users to interact with the app. The glance, notifications and complications are not separate executables. instead, the interface for the glance and notifications are included in the Watch apps storyboard. The code for managing the glances, notifications and complications are part of watch kit extension.
The Watch App:
The Watch app is the actual app that the user launches from the Apple Watch Home screen. The Watch app presents your app’s full user interface. The app supports one or more screens of custom content that you define. Use the Watch app to present all of the content you support on Apple Watch, which is often only a subset of the content you support in your iOS app.
The Glance Interface:
A glance is meant to be looked at quickly. With a swipe from the bottom of the watch face, a glance displays the app’s most important information. Glances are nonscrolling; the entire glance interface must fit on a single screen, and the information in a glance is read-only, and hence do not contain buttons, switches, or other interactive controls. Tapping a glance launches the Watch app’s main interface.
Custom and Actionable Notifications
Apple Watch works with its paired iPhone to display local and remote notifications. Initially, Apple Watch uses a minimal interface—called a short look—to display incoming notifications. If the user’s wrist remains raised, the minimal interface changes to a more detailed interface—called a long look—displaying the contents of the notification. You can customize the long look, adding custom graphics or arranging the notification data differently from the default interface provided by the system.
Apple Watch also provides automatic support for actionable notifications. Actionable notifications let app to add buttons or text input to the notification interface, so that users can respond directly to the notification.
When the iOS app registers support for actionable notifications, Apple Watch automatically adds buttons for notification actions to the notification interfaces on Apple Watch. All the app need to do is handle the user’s actions in your WatchKit extension.
Complications are small visual elements that appear directly on the watch face and convey important information to the user. Complications are automatically visible whenever the user looks at Apple Watch to check the time. Most watch faces support at least two or three complications, and the user can customize which complications are displayed. Apps may use a complication to display app-specific data.
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