Control Flow:
There are two types of control flow statements
1. Conditional Statements => e.g If and switch
2. Loops => e.g. for-in and while
let number = 10
if number < 10
print (number is less than 10)
else if number > 100
print (number is greater than 100)
print(“number is between 10 and 100 ”)
We can use optional binding in an if statement to check whether an optional contains a value.
var optionalName:String ? = “Test”
if let tempStr = optionalName
print “optional name is \(tempStr)”
if optional value is nil, the condition becomes false and won’t execute.
We can use single if statement to bind multiple values. A where clause can be added to a case to further scope the conditional statement. In this case, if statement executes only if binding is successful for all of these values and all conditions are met.
let optionalHello : “hello”
let hello = optionalHello where hello.hasPrefix(“H”), let name = optionalName
greeting = “\(hello), \(name)”
Switches are powerful, A switch statement can support any kind of data type and a wide range of comparison operations - it isn’t limited to integers and test for equality.
let vegetable = “red pepper”
switch vegetable
case “celery” :
let vegetableComment = “Add some raisins and make ants on the log”
case “cucumber”, “watercress”:
let vegetableComment = “That would make good tea sanwitch”
case let x where x.hasPrefix(“bell”):
let vegetableComment = “Is it spicy \(x)?”
let vegetableComment = “Everything tastes good in tea”
Notice that we don’t need to have a break here!
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