Sunday, May 24, 2015

Creating an OAUTH server

Aim was to explore the tasks involved in creating a three-legged OAUTH server. For e.g. Create OWN secure API which can be released publiclyaly. 

The Common practice for implementing OAuth is two-legged or three-legged OAuth server. The major difference between these two is that two legged doesn’t involve another user. For e.g. if one want to access a user’s specific information, then consume three-legged server because an access token must be generated for the user in the application. 

For practical real world use, one should focus on the three-legged variety since its more practical for real-world use. 

The following is the simplified flow 

- The Consumer requests a token from the server
- The consumer then directs the user to a login page, passing the token with them 
- The user logs in and is redirected to the consumer with an access token
- The consumer takes the access token and requests the OAuth token to use with the future secure requests. 
- The OAuth token is retrieved, and the developer can now make secure requests by passing the token for validation. 

There are some reference code / samples available at 

Below are the steps involved in setting up the OAuth server

- Setting up the database
- Creating OAuth Server
- Allowing registration 
- Generating request token
- Exchanging Request token for an Access token
- Validating a request
- Testing OAuth server


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