Sunday, April 6, 2014

iBeacon - analysis of AirLocator app

This application demonstrates mainly the below features

1. Region monitoring
2. Ranging
3. Caliberation
4. Configuration

For Region Monitoring, the main class in this is APLMonitoringViewController. This creates and instance of CLLocationManager . It also creates a CLBeaconRegion instance and initializes with the proximity UUID and passes the beacon identifier. Proximity ID is the unique identifier to attach to a specific region retuned by the init API. This mainly to identify various regions application would have created internally.

Proximity UUID is a property unique to each company. In case of Museum, same UUID will be given to all beacons in the same museum. A UUID can be generated by just entering the command uuidgen in the terminal. Major is a value to identify a same set of beacons for e.g. all beacons in the museum of England by the same company can have same major value. Minor is the value used to identify the beacons in the same region but slightly different. For e.g. All beacons in the same museum but in different rooms can have different minor value. it could be room number.

Beacon identifier is just a string and has been given as similar to bundle identifier. This beacon region is given as input to location manager's monitorRegion api. Inorder to stop monitoring a region, we need to call stopMonitoringForRegion API with the beacon information.

When app is not running, OS will invoke the app and call the delegate method didDetermineState with the CLRegionState and the region in which the monitoring is asked to be done. CLRegionState can be CLRegionStateInside if the user entered that region or CLRegionStateOutside if the user gone out of the region.

One item noticed is that if the application is in foreground and application tried to present a local notification, it will come to the application with the delegate method didReceiveLocalNotification.


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