NFC (Near Field Communication) is a technology in which a lot of research and
advancements have happened over a period of time in recent past. This technology
shares the same excitement world had when touch enabled mobile devices came
into existence. Do things with natural gestures; Touch and Tap. The beauty and
advantage of this technology is getting more and more applied in day to day
life use cases; majorly because more and more mobile devices and Operating
System vendors are adding support for NFC and related technologies.
This blog article just glimpse through the support various OEMs
and Operating System vendors are providing to make use of this technology and
build cool apps.
At a high level, the APIs are designed (in all of the
available platforms) to be able to handle below use cases
At the API level, the APIs mainly
Interact with NFC tags for
Target Detection
Data Exchange Format) message handling
Reading and writing NDEF messages
Sending tag specific commands
Register for app auto start on tag touch
Interact with NFC devices to
Establish peer-to-peer sockets
Google Android
Android adds support for NFC by having APIs which does
Parsing of NFC tag and figuring out the MIME
type or a URI that identifies the data payload in the tag.
Encapsulate the MIME type or URI and the payload
to Intent.
Start an activity based on Intent.
Writing and reading NDEF records
API level 9 supports ONLY limited tag dispatch (tag dispatch
system analyzes the discovered tags, categorizes data and launches) and gives
limited access to the NDEF message. API level 10 includes comprehensive
reader/writer support as well as foreground NDEF pushing. API level 14 provides
an easier way to push NDEF messages to other devices with Android Beam and
extra convenience methods to create NDEF records. API level also includes
facility for AAR (Android Application Record)
The main classes and interfaces in Android for NFC are: NfcManager,
NdefMessage, NdefRecord, NfcAdapter, NfcEvent
Android also gives support for other type of tags. The
classes are available in package.
Development is using the same Android SDK + Eclipse ADT.
Nokia Mobile
Nokia is one of the first OEM who added support for NFC. There
are a number of devices currently in market mainly. Nokia offers NFC support in
various forms
Java ME APIs (JSR 257) support
Tag Discovery and data exchange
NDEF messages
The apps can be developed using Eclipse/Netbeans
IDE with (NFC plugin + Symbian^3 SDK) or Nokia 6212 Classic NFC SDK.
(DiscoveryManager, TagConnection, TargetListener,
NDEFMessage, NDEFRecord are the major APIs along with Nokia’s LLCPConnection,
LLCPManager classes)
Symbian Platform NFC APIs
Exposes NFC middleware at platform level mainly
aimed at platform developers
Development through Symbian^3 SDK + Carbide++
IDE + NFC plugin
Qt Mobility NFC:
Qt SDK enables developer for developing, testing
Qt cross platform apps that can run on Symbian, MeeGo, Windows, Linux, Mac, and
Qt Mobility 1.2 SDK gives support for NFC
development. (QNearFieldManager, QNearFieldTarget, QNdefMessage, QNdefRecord,
QLlcpServer, QLlcpSocket)
BlackBerry Mobile
BlackBerry is very committed to NFC and BlackBerry 7.0 had
basic tag reading functionalities and later BlackBerry 7.1 included peer to
peer functionalities. Some of the phones shipped with NFC support are:
BlackBerry bold 9900/9930, BlackBerry Curve 9350/9360/9370. BlackBerry 10 said
to have more support for NFC.
BlackBerry APIs seems to have modeled similar to JSR 257
APIs (in BlackBerry own package). The developer support is available in JDE
7.0.0. The major classes being NFCManager, NDEFMessage, NDEFRecord, NFCFieldListener, NFCStatusListener VirtualNDEFTag.
Samsung Mobile
Samsung provides extensive support for NFC via the Android
platform and its proprietary Bada platform. Bada 2.0 supports Read/Write mode
as of now using Osp::Net::Nfc namespace. It has capability to interact with NFC
tag, support different events like tag discovery, message discovery and etc.
The major interfaces being NfcManager, NfcTag, NdefTagConnection, NdefMessage, NdefRecord,
NdefRecordType, ITagConnectionListener,
INfcTagDiscoveryEventListener, INfcManagerEventListener, INdefTagConnectionListener
Samsung Galaxy S3 supports NFC.
NFC ecosystem opens up a whole new amazing world of
possibilities! Come, let us develop! J
Image Courtesy:
Nokia Mobile NFC
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