Saturday, August 17, 2024

How can nmap be used for Vulnerability analysis?

 nmap can be used for vulnerability analysis by leveraging its advanced scanning features, such as service detection, version detection, and the use of specialized scripts from the Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE). Here’s how you can use nmap for vulnerability analysis:

1. Service and Version Detection

Before identifying vulnerabilities, it’s essential to know which services are running on the target and their versions. nmap can do this with the following command:


nmap -sV <target>

-sV: Enables version detection, which helps in identifying the exact version of the service running on open ports.

2. Operating System Detection

Identifying the operating system is another critical step in vulnerability analysis:


nmap -O <target>

-O: Attempts to detect the operating system of the target.

3. Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE)

The Nmap Scripting Engine includes a variety of scripts that can be used for vulnerability detection. These scripts can perform a wide range of tasks, from basic information gathering to vulnerability exploitation.

Example Commands:

Vulnerability Scanning:

You can use the following command to run vulnerability scripts on a target:


nmap --script vuln <target>

This runs all scripts categorized under "vuln," which includes checks for common vulnerabilities.

Specific Vulnerability Scan:

For example, to check for the Heartbleed vulnerability, you can use:


nmap --script ssl-heartbleed <target>

Brute Force Attack Detection:

To detect services that are vulnerable to brute force attacks:


nmap --script brute <target>

HTTP Enumeration and Vulnerabilities:

To detect HTTP-related vulnerabilities:


nmap --script http-vuln* <target>

4. Combining Scans for Comprehensive Analysis

You can combine multiple options in a single nmap command to perform a comprehensive vulnerability analysis:


nmap -sV -O --script vuln <target>

-sV -O: Combines service/version detection and OS detection.

--script vuln: Runs vulnerability detection scripts.

5. Outputting Results

You can output the results of your scan to a file for further analysis:


nmap -sV --script vuln -oN outputfile.txt <target>

-oN outputfile.txt: Saves the scan results in a human-readable format.


nmap is a powerful tool for vulnerability analysis, especially when combined with its scripting capabilities. By detecting services, versions, and potential vulnerabilities, you can identify weaknesses in your network or systems and take appropriate measures to secure them.

What is nmap utility in Linux

nmap (Network Mapper) is a powerful and versatile command-line tool used in Linux (and other operating systems) for network exploration, management, and security auditing. It is commonly used by network administrators, security professionals, and system administrators for various purposes.

Key Uses of nmap:

Network Scanning and Discovery:

Identify live hosts: nmap can discover devices on a network by sending various types of packets and analyzing the responses.

Inventory network devices: You can use nmap to create a map of all devices on a network.

Port Scanning:

Identify open ports: nmap can scan a target (host or network) to identify which ports are open and listening for connections.

Service detection: It can determine what services are running on open ports (e.g., HTTP, FTP).

Operating System Detection:

nmap can analyze responses to determine the operating system running on a target machine, including the OS version and network stack characteristics.

Security Auditing and Vulnerability Detection:

Check for vulnerabilities: nmap can be used to detect vulnerabilities on a target system by identifying outdated software, misconfigurations, or known exploits.

Firewall evasion and spoofing: Advanced users can use nmap to test firewall configurations and attempt to bypass security measures.

Network Troubleshooting:

Diagnose network issues: By analyzing the network traffic and device responses, nmap can help diagnose connectivity issues and misconfigurations.

Example Commands:

Basic Ping Scan: Discover live hosts on a network.


Copy code

nmap -sn

Port Scan: Scan for open ports on a target.


Copy code

nmap -p 1-65535

Service and Version Detection:


Copy code

nmap -sV

Operating System Detection:


Copy code

nmap -O

Full Network Scan with OS Detection and Versioning:


Copy code

nmap -A

nmap is a very flexible tool, and there are many options and configurations you can use depending on your specific needs.

How to determine the values for seasonal order P, D, Q, s in SARIMAX model

Determining the optimal values for seasonal order (P, D, Q, s) in your SARIMAX model requires an iterative approach involving data exploration, diagnostics, and model fitting. Here's a breakdown of each parameter and considerations for finding their values:

Seasonal Order (P, D, Q, s):

P (Seasonal Autoregressive): This parameter captures the seasonality pattern in the lags of the dependent variable. Determining P involves examining the autocorrelation function (ACF) and partial autocorrelation function (PACF) at seasonal lags (multiples of the seasonality period). Look for significant spikes at these lags to identify the appropriate P value.

D (Seasonal Differencing): Similar to differencing for trend removal, seasonal differencing eliminates non-stationary seasonality. Analyze the ACF and PACF at seasonal lags after applying differencing. If these functions show no significant spikes, you may have reached the desired level of seasonal stationarity.

Q (Seasonal Moving Average): This parameter accounts for the seasonality in the error terms. Examine the ACF and PACF of the residuals after fitting a tentative model with P and D values. Look for significant spikes to determine the appropriate Q value.

s (Seasonality): This parameter represents the length of the seasonal period. It should be based on the known seasonality in your data (e.g., daily, weekly, monthly, yearly).

Steps to Determine Seasonal Order:

Visualize autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation: Plot the ACF and PACF of your data to identify potential seasonality patterns. Look for spikes at seasonal lags (multiples of s).

Start with tentative values: Begin with P=0, D=0, and Q=0.

Fit a model with tentative values: Fit a SARIMAX model with the chosen P, D, and Q values.

Analyze residuals: Examine the ACF and PACF of the residuals after fitting the model.

Iterate and adjust: Based on the ACF and PACF of the residuals, adjust P, D, and Q accordingly. If significant spikes remain, increase P or Q. If differencing appears necessary, increase D.

Compare models: Fit models with different seasonal order combinations and compare their performance using metrics like AIC, BIC, or RMSE. Choose the model with the lowest information criterion or error.

Additional Tips:

Utilize tools like statsmodels.tsa.seasonal to decompose your data into trend, seasonal, and residual components.

Consider using automated methods like statsmodels.tsa.statespace.sarimax.autofit for initial parameter suggestions (be cautious and evaluate their suggestions).

Experiment with different seasonal periods (s) based on your data domain knowledge.

Remember, the best seasonal order depends on the specific characteristics of your time series data.


Gemini, ChatGPT 

Thursday, August 15, 2024

How to detect if a file is malware or not? allows to do this. Once the file is uploaded, it generates the report and DETECTIONS let us know if there are any detections on it or not. 


How to verify the digital signatures of a downloaded file

Usually the software vendors publish the Signature file. For e.g. the signature file for Wireshark can be found here

Now the signature can be verified on Mac by using the command "gpg --verify" 

gpg --verify /Users/user/Downloads/wireshark.asc.txt /Users/user/Downloads/Wireshark\ 4.2.6\ Arm\ 64.dmg

If the public key with which the signing is not done available to verify locally, it can generate the below error message 

gpg --verify /Users/user/Downloads/wireshark.asc.txt /Users/user/Downloads/Wireshark\ 4.2.6\ Arm\ 64.dmg

gpg: Signature made Wed Jul 10 23:58:50 2024 IST

gpg:                using RSA key 5A5ADBA7DBEA6C3F87224F1982244A78E6FEAEEA

gpg: Can't check signature: No public key

To add the public key, below can be used 

gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 0xE6FEAEEA 

The key Id will be published as well by the software vendor. For e.g. Wireshark has mentioned it here. 

Now the asc file may not be directly available. In this case, the provided signature file can be used to extract it. 

Note, most of the times gpg verify require a detached signature file, which can be obtained by just extracting the highlighted content. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Residual Plot in ARIMA Model

A residual plot is a graphical representation of the difference between the actual values of a time series and the values predicted by a model. In the context of ARIMA models, it helps assess the model's performance and identify potential issues.   

Key Characteristics of a Good Residual Plot:

Randomness: The residuals should appear as random noise without any discernible patterns.   

Mean of zero: The residuals should have a mean close to zero, indicating that the model is unbiased.   

Constant variance: The spread of residuals should be consistent over time (homoscedasticity).

Normality: The residuals should follow a normal distribution.

How to Create a Residual Plot:


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Assuming you have a fitted ARIMA model called 'model_fit' and the original data 'data'

residuals = model_fit.resid

# Plot the residuals


plt.title('Residual Plot')

Use code with caution.

Interpreting the Residual Plot:

Patterns: If the residuals exhibit patterns (e.g., trends, seasonality, or autocorrelation), it indicates that the model has not captured all the information in the data.

Outliers: Large outliers in the residuals might suggest influential data points or model misspecification.

Heteroscedasticity: If the variance of the residuals changes over time, it suggests that the model's error structure is not constant.

Additional Diagnostic Plots:

ACF and PACF plots of residuals: To check for autocorrelation in the residuals.

Histogram of residuals: To assess the normality assumption.

QQ plot: To visually compare the distribution of residuals to a normal distribution.

By analyzing the residual plot and other diagnostic plots, you can evaluate the adequacy of your ARIMA model and make necessary adjustments.

A sample code is like below 

import pandas as pd
from import plot_acf
from statsmodels.tsa.arima.model import ARIMA
from pandas import DataFrame

# Sample data with high autocorrelation (replace with your data)
# data = {'Timestamp(UTC)': ['12/15/23 19:20', '12/15/23 19:30','12/15/23 19:40','12/15/23 19:50','12/15/23 20:00','12/15/23 20:10','12/15/23 20:20','12/15/23 20:30','12/15/23 20:40'],
# 'Traffic_Measure': [10, 15, 10, 5, 50, 20, 56, 89, 23]}

# data = {'Timestamp(UTC)': ['12/15/23 19:20', '12/15/23 19:30','12/15/23 19:40','12/15/23 19:50','12/15/23 20:00','12/15/23 20:10','12/15/23 20:20','12/15/23 20:30','12/15/23 20:40'],
# 'Traffic_Measure': [10, 10.5, 10.5, 10.9, 10.1, 10.1, 10.5, 10.2, 10.1]}

data = {'Timestamp(UTC)': ['12/15/23 19:20', '12/15/23 19:30','12/15/23 19:40','12/15/23 19:50','12/15/23 20:00','12/15/23 20:10','12/15/23 20:20','12/15/23 20:30','12/15/23 20:40'],
'Traffic_Measure': [10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50]}

df = pd.DataFrame(data)
date_time = pd.to_datetime(df.pop('Timestamp(UTC)'), format='%m/%d/%y %H:%M')
df.index = date_time
# Plot autocorrelation
# plot_acf(df['Traffic_Measure'])

# Fit an ARIMA model (adjust p, d, q based on ACF and PACF)
model = ARIMA(df, order=(5, 1, 0)) # Example order
model_fit =

# Make predictions
predictions = model_fit.forecast(steps=12) # Predict 12 future values
print("predictions are ",predictions)

df_preds = pd.DataFrame({'Traffic_Measure':predictions.values})
df_preds.index = predictions.index

print("df_preds", df_preds.head())

df['Traffic_Measure'].plot(label='Actual', color='red')
df_preds['Traffic_Measure'].plot(label='Predictions', color='blue')


residuals = DataFrame(model_fit.resid)

Autocorrelation Plot vs. Lag Plot

Autocorrelation Plot (ACF):

Quantifies the linear relationship between a time series and its lagged values.   

Provides numerical values and confidence intervals for each lag.   

Helps identify patterns like trends, seasonality, and cyclic behavior.   

Used for model selection (AR, MA, ARIMA).   

Lag Plot:

Visualizes the relationship between a time series and its lagged values.   

Plots each observation against its lagged value.   

Helps identify patterns like trends, cycles, and outliers.   

Less quantitative than ACF, but can provide visual insights.

Key Differences:

Feature Autocorrelation Plot Lag Plot

Output Numerical values and confidence intervals Scatter plot

Information Quantifies correlation Visualizes relationship

Usefulness Model selection, pattern identification Exploratory data analysis, pattern recognition

Export to Sheets

In summary, the autocorrelation plot provides numerical measures of the relationship between a time series and its lags, while the lag plot offers a visual representation. Both are valuable tools for understanding the structure of time series data.

Often, it's beneficial to use both plots together to gain a comprehensive understanding of the data.


Service to generate Swagger API documentation from given postman collection

this particular service is a good one to generate Swagger API documentation from the given postman collection. Just need to copy paste the contents of postman collection and it previews the Swagger spec which can be copied.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Low, Strong, No Autocorrelation graphs

 Below code snippet can give idea on the data

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import plot_acf
from pandas.plotting import autocorrelation_plot

# Generate white noise data
data_low_corr = np.random.randn(500)
df_low_corr = pd.DataFrame(data_low_corr, columns=['value'])

# Plot autocorrelation


pd.plotting.lag_plot(df_low_corr, lag = 1)
plot_acf(df_low_corr, alpha = 0.05)

Now below gives snippet for no correlation 

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import plot_acf

# Generate random data
data_no_corr = np.random.uniform(size=100)
df_no_corr = pd.DataFrame(data_no_corr, columns=['value'])

# Plot autocorrelation
# plot_acf(df_no_corr)

from pandas.plotting import autocorrelation_plot

pd.plotting.lag_plot(df_no_corr, lag = 1)
plot_acf(df_no_corr, alpha = 0.05)

The plots look like the below 

Below is with High correlation 

nt_array = pd.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25], dtype='int')
df_no_corr = pd.DataFrame(int_array, columns=['value'])

# Plot autocorrelation
# plot_acf(df_no_corr)

from pandas.plotting import autocorrelation_plot

pd.plotting.lag_plot(df_no_corr, lag = 1)
plot_acf(df_no_corr, alpha = .05)

How to Interpret Autocorrelation Values?

Correlation vs. Autocorrelation

Correlation measures the linear relationship between two variables at a single point in time.

Autocorrelation measures the linear relationship between a time series and its lagged values over time.

Interpreting Autocorrelation Values

High autocorrelation: Indicates a strong relationship between a data point and its previous values. This often suggests the presence of trends, seasonality, or other patterns.

Low autocorrelation: Suggests a weak relationship between data points, indicating randomness or independence.

Negative autocorrelation: Indicates a negative relationship between a data point and its previous values.

However, it's important to note:

The threshold of 0.25 is arbitrary: A high autocorrelation value can be less than or greater than 0.25 depending on the specific data and context.

Autocorrelation can be positive or negative: A value close to zero doesn't necessarily mean no correlation; it might indicate negative correlation.

Multiple lags: Autocorrelation can exist at different lags, not just lag 1.

Visualizing Autocorrelation

Autocorrelation plot: A graphical representation of the autocorrelation coefficients at different lags.

Partial autocorrelation plot: Helps identify the direct relationship between a variable and its lagged values, controlling for the effects of intermediate lags.

In conclusion, while high autocorrelation often indicates a strong relationship between data points, the specific value of the autocorrelation coefficient and the shape of the autocorrelation plot provide more insights into the underlying patterns of the time series.

What does autocorrelation_plot do in Pandas plotting module?

Autocorrelation Plot in Pandas

pandas.plotting.autocorrelation_plot is a function used to visualize the autocorrelation of a time series.   

What is Autocorrelation?

Autocorrelation is a measure of the correlation between a time series and a lagged version of itself. It helps to identify patterns and dependencies in the data over time.   

How the Plot Works:

Calculates the autocorrelation for different lags (time offsets).   

Plots the autocorrelation values against the lag.

Includes confidence intervals to determine if the autocorrelation is statistically significant.


High autocorrelation at lag 1: Strong correlation between consecutive data points.

Decaying autocorrelation: Indicates a trend or autocorrelation over multiple lags.

Significant spikes outside confidence bands: Suggests potential patterns or seasonality.   

Random data: Autocorrelation values close to zero indicate random data.   

import pandas as pd

from pandas.plotting import autocorrelation_plot

# Assuming 'data' is your time series data


Use Cases:

Identify autocorrelation: Helps determine if a time series is stationary or non-stationary.

Model Selection: Assists in selecting appropriate time series models (AR, MA, ARIMA).

Feature Engineering: Can be used to create lagged features for predictive models.

By understanding the autocorrelation plot, you can gain valuable insights into the underlying structure of your time series data and make informed decisions about modeling and analysis.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

What is a Good RMSE value?

The lower the RMSE, the better a given model is able to “fit” a dataset. However, the range of the dataset you’re working with is important in determining whether or not a given RMSE value is “low” or not.

For example, consider the following scenarios:

Scenario 1: We would like to use a regression model predict the price of homes in a certain city. Suppose the model has an RMSE value of $500. Since the typical range of houses prices is between $70,000 and $300,000, this RMSE value is extremely low. This tells us that the model is able to predict house prices accurately.

Scenario 2: Now suppose we would like to use a regression model to predict how much someone will spend per month in a certain city. Suppose the model has an RMSE value of $500. If the typical range of monthly spending is $1,500 – $4,000, this RMSE value is quite high. This tells us that the model is not able to predict monthly spending very accurately.

Normalizing the RMSE Value

One way to gain a better understanding of whether a certain RMSE value is “good” is to normalize it using the following formula:

Normalized RMSE = RMSE / (max value – min value)

This produces a value between 0 and 1, where values closer to 0 represent better fitting models.

For example, suppose our RMSE value is $500 and our range of values is between $70,000 and $300,000. We would calculate the normalized RMSE value as:

Normalized RMSE = $500 / ($300,000 – $70,000) = 0.002

Conversely, suppose our RMSE value is $500 and our range of values is between $1,500 and $4,000. We would calculate the normalized RMSE value as:

Normalized RMSE = $500 / ($4,000 – $1,500) = 0.2.

The first normalized RMSE value is much lower, which indicates that it provides a much better fit to the data compared to the second normalized RMSE value.

How Sine and consine transformations help to identify cyclical patterns in the data?

In the below code , the timestamp seconds value is done with sine and cosine transformation to make it more useful. How cosine ans sine transformation is useful ?

df['Day sin'] = np.sin(timestamp_s * (2 * np.pi / day))

df['Day cos'] = np.cos(timestamp_s * (2 * np.pi / day))

df['Year sin'] = np.sin(timestamp_s * (2 * np.pi / year))

df['Year cos'] = np.cos(timestamp_s * (2 * np.pi / year))

Understanding Sine and Cosine Transformation for Time Series

The sine and cosine transformations are used to capture cyclical patterns within your time series data. By converting the timestamp into these trigonometric functions, you're essentially encoding information about the time of day, day of the week, and even year into numerical features.

How it works:

Timestamp Conversion: The timestamp is converted into a numerical representation (e.g., seconds since a specific epoch).

Scaling: The timestamp is scaled to fit within a specific range (e.g., 0 to 2π) for the sine and cosine functions.

Sine and Cosine Transformation: The scaled timestamp is applied to the sine and cosine functions, creating new features.

Why it's useful:

Cyclic Patterns: Many time series exhibit cyclical patterns (e.g., daily, weekly, yearly). Sine and cosine functions naturally capture these patterns.

Feature Engineering: The transformed features can be used as input to machine learning models, improving their ability to learn and predict cyclical trends.

Model Interpretability: The sine and cosine features can provide insights into the importance of different time components for the target variable.


Day sin and Day cos: Capture the cyclical pattern within a day (e.g., peak traffic during certain hours).

Year sin and Year cos: Capture annual patterns (e.g., seasonal variations).

By incorporating these transformed features into your time series model, you can improve its ability to capture complex patterns and make more accurate predictions.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Pandas dataframe with and without index

code segment 1

plot_cols = ['Traffic_Measure']

plot_features = df[plot_cols]

index_dt = pd.to_datetime(df.pop('Timestamp(UTC)'), format='%m/%d/%y %H:%M')

_ = plot_features.plot(subplots=True)

code segment 2

plot_cols = ['Traffic_Measure']

plot_features = df[plot_cols]

index_dt = pd.to_datetime(df.pop('Timestamp(UTC)'), format='%m/%d/%y %H:%M')

plot_features.index = index_dt

_ = plot_features.plot(subplots=True)

Understanding the Difference Between the Two Code Segments

Key Difference: Index Setting

The primary difference between the two code segments lies in how the timestamp column is handled and used as the index for the DataFrame.

Code Segment 1:

The timestamp column is extracted and stored in the index_dt variable.

The plot_features DataFrame remains without an index, which means it will use the default integer index for plotting.

The subplots=True argument in plot_features.plot() will create subplots for each column in plot_features, but since there's only one column (Traffic_Measure), it will create a single subplot.

Code Segment 2:

The timestamp column is extracted and stored in the index_dt variable.

The index_dt is then set as the index for the plot_features DataFrame.

The subplots=True argument in plot_features.plot() will have no effect as there's only one column. It will create a single plot with the timestamp as the x-axis.


Code Segment 1: Produces a single plot without a proper time index. The x-axis will be the default integer index.

Code Segment 2: Produces a time series plot with the timestamp as the x-axis, correctly visualizing the data over time.

Therefore, Code Segment 2 is the correct way to plot time series data.

By setting the timestamp column as the index, you ensure that the plot is created with time as the x-axis, accurately representing the time series data.

Additional Notes:

You might want to adjust the figure size and plot parameters (e.g., labels, title) for better visualization.

For more complex time series analysis, consider using libraries like Seaborn or Plotly, which offer advanced plotting capabilities.

By understanding these differences, you can effectively visualize your time series data and gain valuable insights.