Friday, October 20, 2023

Openshift - All pods showing INIT stage . How to troubleshoot

 When all containers in an OpenShift pod are stuck in the "Init" stage, it indicates that the pod is experiencing issues during the initialization phase. During the initialization phase, OpenShift performs several tasks, such as setting up the container environment and running init containers if specified. When containers remain in the "Init" state, it's often due to problems in the pod's initialization process.

Here are some steps you can take to diagnose and resolve the issue:

Check Pod Logs:

Review the logs of the pod to identify any error messages or issues that occurred during initialization. Use the following command to view the logs of a specific pod:


Copy code

oc logs <pod-name>

Review Init Containers:

Check if there are any init containers defined in the pod's specification. Init containers can be used to perform pre-initialization tasks. Ensure that the init containers are configured correctly and are not encountering errors.

Resources and Quotas:

Verify that the pod's requested resources (CPU and memory) do not exceed the available resources in the cluster. Additionally, check if resource quotas are causing resource constraints.

Security Policies:

Ensure that any security policies, such as PodSecurityPolicies, are not preventing the containers from starting. Review the permissions and policies applied to the pod.

Networking and DNS:

Check if there are any networking or DNS issues that might be preventing the pod from initializing. Ensure that the pod can access required external resources and resolve DNS names.

Check for Resource Constraints:

If the cluster is resource-constrained, it can lead to delays in pod initialization. Check if there are enough resources available in the cluster.

Verify Image Pulling:

Ensure that the container images specified in the pod's definition are accessible and correctly configured. Image pull issues can result in pods not initializing.

Look for Node Issues:

Investigate the health of the node where the pod is scheduled. Node issues, such as disk space or system load problems, can impact the initialization of pods.

Update and Redeploy:

If the pod has been running without issues before, consider updating and redeploying the pod. Sometimes, redeploying a new instance can resolve initialization problems.

Check OpenShift and Kubernetes Events:

Review OpenShift and Kubernetes events using commands like oc describe pod <pod-name> and kubectl describe pod <pod-name>. These events can provide valuable information about the pod's state.

Monitor Cluster Health:

Use cluster monitoring tools to assess the overall health and performance of the cluster.

If you are unable to identify and resolve the issue using the above steps, it's a good practice to involve your cluster administrators or DevOps team for further investigation. They can provide insights into cluster-specific issues and help diagnose and fix the problem.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Reliable Event Logging Protocol (RELP) - What is it ?

Reliable Event Logging Protocol (RELP), a networking protocol for computer data logging in computer networks, extends the functionality of the syslog protocol to provide reliable delivery of event messages. It is most often used in environments which do not tolerate message loss, such as the financial industry.


RELP uses TCP for message transmission. This provides basic protection against message loss, but does not guarantee delivery under all circumstances. When a connection aborts, TCP cannot reliably detect whether the last messages sent have actually reached their destination.[1] Unlike the syslog protocol, RELP works with a backchannel which conveys information back to the sender about messages processed by the receiver. This enables RELP to always know which messages have been properly received, even in the case of a connection abort.


RELP was developed in 2008 as a reliable protocol for rsyslog-to-rsyslog communication. As RELP designer Rainer Gerhards explains, the lack of reliable transmission in industry-standard syslog was a core motivation to create RELP.[2] Originally, RFC 3195 syslog was considered to take up this part in rsyslog, but it suffered from high overhead and missing support for new IETF syslog standards (which have since been published as RFC 5424, but were not named at that time).

While RELP was initially meant solely for rsyslog use, it became adopted more widely.[citation needed] Currently tools both under Linux and Windows support RELP. There are also in-house deployments for Java. While RELP is still not formally standardized, it has evolved into an industry standard for computer logging.[citation needed]


What does line sed -n 1,100p /home/rsyslog/logs/test.log.2023-10-08 do

 The sed -n 1,100p /home/rsyslog/logs/audit.log.2023-10-08 command extracts lines 1 through 100 from the file /home/rsyslog/logs/audit.log.2023-10-08 and prints them to the standard output (typically the terminal or console). Here's a breakdown of the command:

sed: Invokes the sed command-line utility for text manipulation.

-n: Suppresses the default behavior of sed, which is to print every line. The -n option tells sed to operate in "quiet" mode, meaning it will only print lines explicitly specified in the script.

1,100p: Specifies the range of lines to be printed. In this case, it's lines 1 through 100. The p at the end of the range indicates that these lines should be printed.

/home/rsyslog/logs/audit.log.2023-10-08: Specifies the path to the input file from which lines are to be extracted.

So, when you run this command, it reads the file /home/rsyslog/logs/audit.log.2023-10-08 and prints lines 1 to 100 from that file to the standard output. This is useful for displaying a portion of a large log file or extracting specific lines for analysis.



What could be causing issue with rsyslog logger: failed to parse message size

The error message "rsyslog logger: failed to parse message size" typically indicates an issue with the log message format being received by the rsyslog daemon. rsyslog is a system logging tool in Unix-like operating systems, and it expects log messages to adhere to a specific format.

Here are some common reasons for this error and how to troubleshoot it:

Mismatched Log Message Format: The log message being sent to rsyslog may not conform to the expected format. Ensure that the log messages being generated and sent to rsyslog follow the correct format. Common log message formats include RFC5424 or RFC3164, depending on your configuration.

Log Message Size: The error message might be related to the size of the log message being received. Check if the log message is exceptionally large, possibly exceeding the allowed size for the message format or the rsyslog configuration. You can adjust the message size limits in rsyslog configuration files if needed.

Incorrect rsyslog Configuration: Review your rsyslog configuration files (typically found in /etc/rsyslog.conf or /etc/rsyslog.d/) to ensure they are set up correctly. Pay attention to any custom templates or rules you may have defined. Verify that the configuration matches the log message format.

Log Rotation: If log rotation is in use, ensure that log rotation configurations are set correctly. Improper log rotation can sometimes lead to issues with log message parsing.

Log Sources: Check the source of the log messages (e.g., applications, services, or syslog clients). Ensure that they are correctly sending log messages in the expected format. If a specific application is causing the issue, review its logging configuration.

rsyslog Version: Ensure that you are using a version of rsyslog that is compatible with your system and configuration. Outdated versions may have bugs or limitations that have been addressed in newer releases.

Debugging: Enable debugging or verbose logging in rsyslog to get more detailed information about the issue. This can help pinpoint the exact problem.

To enable debugging, add the following line to your rsyslog configuration file:

$DebugLevel 2 # Set the desired debug level (2 for verbose)

After making any changes to the rsyslog configuration, remember to restart the rsyslog service to apply the changes:



remote syslog with TLS


What does sed command do?

The sed command, which stands for "stream editor," is a powerful text-processing utility in Unix-like operating systems. It is used to perform various text transformations on an input stream (a file or data received through a pipeline) and produce an output stream. sed operates on a line-by-line basis, allowing you to apply changes to specific lines that match patterns or conditions. Some common tasks that sed can perform include:

Search and Replace: sed can search for a specific pattern (regular expression) in the input and replace it with another string. For example:

sed 's/search_string/replace_string/g' input.txt

Delete Lines: sed can delete lines from the input that match a particular pattern or condition. For example:

sed '/pattern_to_delete/d' input.txt

Insert Lines: sed can insert new lines before or after specific lines or patterns in the input. For example:

sed '/pattern_to_insert_before/i new_line_text' input.txt

Append Lines: sed can append new lines after specific lines or patterns in the input. For example:

sed '/pattern_to_insert_after/a new_line_text' input.txt

Selecting Lines: sed can select and print only specific lines from the input that match certain criteria. For example:

sed -n '/pattern_to_select/p' input.txt

Substitution with Regular Expressions: sed can perform complex substitutions using regular expressions. It supports patterns, groups, and various substitution options.

In-Place Editing: With the -i option, sed can edit files in-place, making changes directly to the file without the need for temporary files.

Multiple Operations: You can chain multiple sed commands together using semicolons to perform a series of text transformations in one go.

Here's a basic example of using sed to replace text in a file:

sed 's/old_text/new_text/g' input.txt > output.txt

In this command, sed searches for occurrences of "old_text" in the "input.txt" file and replaces them with "new_text." The modified text is then redirected to "output.txt."

sed is a versatile tool for text manipulation and can be used for various text-processing tasks in shell scripting and system administration. It's known for its flexibility and can handle complex text transformations using regular expressions and patterns.


Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Android Custom AlertDialog text get cut off

The question was already solved in the comments, but I will add an answer for completeness and to show that it worked for me, too.

For an AlertDialog with a custom view, don't use the .setMessage line. Removing the following line in my project caused the buttons to stop getting clipped.

.setMessage("This is my message")


Connect to Samba server from nodejs app


const SMB2 = require('smb2');

// Replace these with your NAS credentials and share path

const username = 'your_username';

const password = 'your_password';

const sharePath = '\\\\nas_ip_or_hostname\\share_name';

const smbClient = new SMB2({

  share: sharePath,

  domain: '', // Leave empty or specify your domain if needed




smbClient.readFile('file_on_nas.txt', (err, fileContents) => {

  if (err) {

    console.error('Error reading file:', err);

  } else {

    console.log('File contents:', fileContents.toString());


  // Close the connection when done

